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Poll Car Brands: Pick 5

Car Brands: Pick 5

  • Infiniti

  • Chrysler

  • Cadillac

  • Lincoln

  • Porshe

  • Acura

  • BMW

  • Land Rover

  • Audi

  • Lexus

  • Mercedes-Benz

  • Jaguar

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Repair costs are astronomical these days

If it’s not produced by Toyota or Honda you can keep it

Annoying thing is everything is so tech advanced, that so many things can go wrong...

In theory though, that means its easier to fix too right??? Plug diagnostic in, find the fault order the part, bam... Except sh!t is more expensive then ever...

Customer service is sh!t now too, all the dealers (in UK anyways) are owned by eachother and over the last however years all the customer service reps seem to think they are off the set of Jersey Shore or The Kardashians...

Trying to get sense out of someone is like banging your head against a wall, I spent month trying to sort something out... Finally spoke to the dealer manager and he said he needs to speak directly to Land Rover, who apparently wont warranty it and want to charge me £2k, after arguing they said they will cover 40%... Its only got 24k miles on the clock ffs...

Few years ago they would warranty it without question as there was more of a personal touch (and less sh!t to go wrong)...

edit: My bad for the rant... had to get that off my chest, its been stressing me out big time all month lol
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I'm sorry... Acura gotta be the most fraudulent luxury brand lmaoo. Don't get me wrong, the cars are fine... but never in my life did I look at one and say, man that's some premium luxury right there.
I have no personal or vicarious experience with modern Porsche n lexus, but every other brand up there has recently had varying levels of decline in quality short of arguably bmw and maybe audi (haven't been hearing much abt them lately)
for me its Mercedes >>>

I cant see myself in anything else now.

Currently in an E350

next one I want is the GT 43 or 53