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Tarantino isn't lying. Clooney's star has kind of dimmed. Hasn't been as active as his celebrity would suggest. I think I'm the only person on earth that liked The American.

Clooney talking like a mf already charged up tho. Wouldn't surprise me if he was clocking another franchise role in mcu or something like that

When Joaquin Phoenix abruptly exited Todd Haynes’ gay romance movie last week, just five days before production, the actor set off a tidal wave that has now rippled far past the confines of its Guadalajara, Mexico set.

“There’s been a huge amount of outrage,” says one studio exec of the reaction from Hollywood producers to Phoenix’s last-minute departure, which left cast and crew in a lurch, and now opens the actor up to the possibility of legal action, according to sources.

The departure was particularly surprising, given that Phoenix first brought the project to Haynes and his longtime producers at Killer Films, headed by Christine Vachon and Pamela Koffler.