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Poll Film Directors: Pick 5

Film Directors: Pick 5

  • David Fincher

  • Ridley Scott

  • Spike Lee

  • Christopher Nolan

  • James Cameron

  • Alfred Hitchcock

  • Martin Scorsese

  • John Singleton

  • Akira Kurosawa

  • Stanley Kubrick

  • Quentin Tarantino

  • Steven Spielberg

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You’d think with all the shit thrown at Marty from that “Marvel Ain’t Cinema” thread, there’s be way less votes for him.
Spike Lee

My principles won't let me vote for Spielberg - propagandist
Scorsese - hater
Tarantino - racist

Fuck them.
QT & Marty my favorites as far as preference/consistency

Spike got a lot of good movies but also alot of really really bad movies.

Spielberg got Hook and Jurassic Park but has a library of boring movies. Hasnt dropped a movie i cared about since the 90s. Jurrasic Park might be the GOAT film if we talking all ages entertainment

Nolan has interstellar and Dark Knight. I dont really care for his others. Interstellarin my top 5 film

Ridley Scotts top 3 for me prolly Alien, Gladiator, Alien Covenant. Has alot of film i havent seen.

Kubrick has The Shining. My fav scary film. Dr Stranglove is a classic. Eyes Wide Shut was cool. I thought Clockwork, 2001, and 2nd half of Full Metal Jack were all boring. Havent seen any his other stuff.

James Cameron prolly deserves that #3 spot for me. He needs to get off this Avatar kick he been on and do sum else tho.
Shout out Francis Ford Copolla, Clint Eastwood, and Coen Bros.... Judd Apatow... Jordan Peele need 1 more he will be up there