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Elaine Brown isn't a pan-africanist, an afrocentrist or a Graveyite. She's a stereotypical progressive.

Y'all got your man Umar Johnson and the rest of them niggas that haven't done shit but confuse motherfuckers about the struggle, fuck hoes and take money.

Pan-Africanism is Christianity for the unsophisticated.

At least megachurches got food drives, daycares, international charities, and support local politics.

The Black Panther Party is explicitly a pan Africanist movement. The building is called The Black Panther.

Ajamu Baraka of Black Alliance for Peace and Omali Yeshitela of The Burning Spear are both progressive and Pan-Africanist. Omali is currently fighting federal treason charges and Ajamu ran for president with Jill Stein, being the first Black American to hold that position in the Green Party, the third largest in the country.

I notice y’all Know-Nothing niggas on here basically say that anybody who is successful doing something for black people is a white shill and then point to stalled movements like that of Dr. Umar to strawman pan-Africanism..Cracka tactic..You are your fathers son though so I get it.

Community movement Builders has opened 5+ Freedom houses to feed, educate and organize Black people in Georgia

Hawk Newsome (Bronx NY- the birthplace of hip hop) formed a militia force to protect Black Georgians from police abuse.

The Venceramos brigade sends hundreds of Black Americans annually to Cuba for cultural exchange and direct aid initiatives. Also increases the standing of African Americans abroad, shoutout the brother GeechieYaa..3 days ago.

The Latin American school of Medicine graduates dozens of Black Americans every year with medical credentials that they can take back to America to serve Black communities.

This school is also funded by the Venezuelan government, which offered free heating oil to Black Americans in Chicago because the government could not provide it.

The Sahelian Alliance has just finished a power plant that will provide electricity for three separate countries.

The government of Nicaragua last month received an envoy of Black Americans from BAP, the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party and a few other groups. This was the first time such a meeting has taken place in Nicaragua and it was Black Americans politicking with a foreign government.

Please go back to your YouTube Group Chat and try to convince the other 78 people that Pan-Africanism isn’t doing anything for Black people but living out your gangbanger fantasies on the internet puttin in work on Nigerians or Jamaican bobsledders or some shit.
The Black Panther Party is explicitly a pan Africanist movement. The building is called The Black Panther.

The Black Panther Party isn't an explicitly Pan-Africanist movement.

The Black Panther Party is a revolutionary Black Nationalist movement that took up Marxism when they came up on the conclusion that the only way Black Americans would be free is if they join the revolutionary Marxist movements in Cuba, Vietnam, China and Africa.

The Black Panther Party took the position that they will be the Vanguard Party of America and lead the revolution here.

That had nothing to do with Pan-Africanism. They didn't want to go back to Africa. They didn't believe needed Africa culturally or have some sort of connection.

They believed they would lead a national socialist revolution of all races in America. They were American-centric. They didn't LARP and pretend to be Africans.

Their rift was when half of the leadership wanted to start a war and the other half just wanted to focus on providing survival programs in America.

This is why Pan-Africanism is a worst form of Christianity for Native Born Black Americans than actual Christianity.

Because to say Black Panthers were Pan-Africanists is to miss the whole point of their turn to Marxist Leninism. They wanted to free Black Americans by having a revolution which required international support by thriving revolutionary parties that were actively engaging in war and struggle across the world.

Marcus Garvey came to America because he saw Black people with their own shit in the midst of racial apartheid. Jamaicans didn't have their own shit.

Pan-Africanism started in the West, it never was in Africa.

Africans come to America because we have a better quality of life and institutions. If it wasn't for that, they would not be here.

The only times Black Americans organized and looked internationally for political support is when there were socialist revolutionary moments by Great Powers such as China and Russia.

They didn't look internationally on the account of missing fucking culture or needing other groups of Black people. They looked for clear material objective conditions to push their hand.

Elaine Brown's entire career in politics has been focused in and on Oakland.

She's not a Pan-Africanist, she was a revolutionary socialist Black Nationalist and now is a regular ass progressive.

Y'all don't even know political history of Black Americans enough to know if someone or something is Pan-Africanist or not.

Y'all just have incoherent, irrevelant political beliefs of the 60s when worldwide revolution was possible. The moment quickly passed and y'all are stuck, not knowing what to do.

Same reason why Pan-Africanism failed in the early to mid 1900s and liberalism and Black nationalism won out. All the Pan-African Congresses...fucking failed. They found nothing in common besides hating White people.

For people outside of Africa, you know, where African people and institutions are, it's not fucking feasible or sensible.

It's make believe shit.
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The Black Panther Party isn't an explicitly Pan-Africanist movement.

The Black Panther Party is a revolutionary Black Nationalist movement that took up Marxism when they came up on the conclusion that the only way Black Americans would be free is if they join the revolutionary Marxist movements in Cuba, Vietnam, China and Africa.

The Black Panther Party took the position that they will be the Vanguard Party of America and lead the revolution here.

That had nothing to do with Pan-Africanism. They didn't want to go back to Africa. They didn't believe needed Africa culturally or have some sort of connection.

They believed they would lead a national socialist revolution of all races in America. They were American-centric. They didn't LARP and pretend to be Africans.

Their rift was when half of the leadership wanted to start a war and the other half just wanted to focus on providing survival programs in America.

This is why Pan-Africanism is a worst form of Christianity for Native Born Black Americans than actual Christianity.

Because to say Black Panthers were Pan-Africanists is to miss the whole point of their turn to Marxist Leninism. They wanted to free Black Americans by having a revolution which required international support by thriving revolutionary parties that were actively engaging in war and struggle across the world.

So you’ve all this to say that the Black Panther Party was a nationalist cause for Black Americans and didn’t want anything to do with Africa, didn’t want to go or have any connection.

Here are some copies of the Black Panther, the newspaper of the BPP. I’ve included some excerpts from the first volume which was published in 1968, in the party’s infancy…Let’s remember, nothing to do with Africa or have any connection and nothing to do with Marcus Garvey.

(I’ve only used the first 7 papers because I know your argument is gonna devolve into “man they changed their platform as they went on”)
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(Note the African name beside the American one..Guess she was larping )
(The people that wanted nothing to do with Africans demanded all Black children learn Swahili and IGBO..IGBO NEEGAH?)
(Why do these people who want nothing to do with Africa keep Marcus Garvey and Franz Fannon on their Book list for the first 12 newspapers of the Black Panther party?
(Why would The Minister Of Education of the BPP say that they gave Bobby Hutton an African Funeral? Shouldn’t it been a Town Bidness funeral???)
(What’s this shit about Africa and American Blacks in the same struggle????)
The only times Black Americans organized and looked internationally for political support is when there were socialist revolutionary moments by Great Powers such as China and Russia.

They didn't look internationally on the account of missing fucking culture or needing other groups of Black people. They looked for clear material objective conditions to push their hand.
That’s an odd statement to make when Eldridge Cleaver went into exile as a fugitive from the American Government in Cuba…oh…..and uhhh…yeah, you guessed it 🤣

So what we’re left with is a group that takes on African names, African funerary traditions, call themselves African and speak of African liberation movements like Biafra as occurring within the global Black liberation movement and DEMAND that all Black American children learn IGBO in school. Yet you tell me that they’re a nationalist group…I wonder what Elaine Browne herself says about that…
Well, of course clearly Eldridge Cleaver was the main, main person who supported this notion of, of alliances with White radical organizations. I mean, he coined the phrase "mother country radicals." And this was something that, that went, was really in line with our thinking anyway. Because in general, the party, as I say, was not a nationalist group. So, we saw the interconnection between the various struggles

We haven’t even gotten to the split with the Eastcoast Panther# (Because they were a national org ) because I see what you’re trying to do lol..You want to present the Panther as some corner store gang concerned only with Oakland that didn’t have members like George Jackson, who’s Prison letters (Soledad Brother) mention being African hundreds of times..Or Stokely Carmichael (a pan African Trinidadian that was mayor of Conakry) being the national chairperson of the entire fucking organization.

but fuckit man my fingers tired and I’ve completely eradicated anything you said already..Also idk if u confused or something, I’m not Jamaican so all that Marcus Garvey shit u talking don’t mean nothing to me lol .
So you’ve all this to say that the Black Panther Party was a nationalist cause for Black Americans and didn’t want anything to do with Africa, didn’t want to go or have any connection.

Here are some copies of the Black Panther, the newspaper of the BPP. I’ve included some excerpts from the first volume which was published in 1968, in the party’s infancy…Let’s remember, nothing to do with Africa or have any connection and nothing to do with Marcus Garvey.

(I’ve only used the first 7 papers because I know your argument is gonna devolve into “man they changed their platform as they went on”)
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(Note the African name beside the American one..Guess she was larping )
(The people that wanted nothing to do with Africans demanded all Black children learn Swahili and IGBO..IGBO NEEGAH?)
(Why do these people who want nothing to do with Africa keep Marcus Garvey and Franz Fannon on their Book list for the first 12 newspapers of the Black Panther party?
(Why would The Minister Of Education of the BPP say that they gave Bobby Hutton an African Funeral? Shouldn’t it been a Town Bidness funeral???)
(What’s this shit about Africa and American Blacks in the same struggle????)

That’s an odd statement to make when Eldridge Cleaver went into exile as a fugitive from the American Government in Cuba…oh…..and uhhh…yeah, you guessed it 🤣
View attachment 1353091

So what we’re left with is a group that takes on African names, African funerary traditions, call themselves African and speak of African liberation movements like Biafra as occurring within the global Black liberation movement and DEMAND that all Black American children learn IGBO in school. Yet you tell me that they’re a nationalist group…I wonder what Elaine Browne herself says about that…

We haven’t even gotten to the split with the Eastcoast Panther# (Because they were a national org ) because I see what you’re trying to do lol..You want to present the Panther as some corner store gang concerned only with Oakland that didn’t have members like George Jackson, who’s Prison letters (Soledad Brother) mention being African hundreds of times..Or Stokely Carmichael (a pan African Trinidadian that was mayor of Conakry) being the national chairperson of the entire fucking organization.

but fuckit man my fingers tired and I’ve completely eradicated anything you said already..Also idk if u confused or something, I’m not Jamaican so all that Marcus Garvey shit u talking don’t mean nothing to me lol .

Lol, you still didn't refute my point.

BPP is a Marxist Leninism Black Nationalist Party.

Like all Marxist Leninism parties, they are revolutionary nationalists because you gotta secure your own damn country to have an international socialist revolution.

Fidel Castro was a revolutionary nationalist that turned into a Marxist Leninist. Which is why Cuba supported revolutions in Africa and Latin America.

Lol, like BPP followed Marxist Leninism to a tee, the self-defense, survival programs, schools, the ten point programs, it comes from Mao-Marx-Lenin.

And they focused on America and their people in America because Mao did. Huey P. Newton was a big fan of Mao, even went to China.

They weren't Pan-Africanists. Communism is an international movement that requires revolutionary nationalists to associate themselves with other revolutionaries. You can't have communism in one country, just like you can't have capitalism in one country

See, like all Western Pan-Africanists, you are stuck on culture. I don't care about culture. I care about political actions and material conditions. I already told you that the BPP arose in a revolutionary time and they were expecting to be the leaders of a revolution.

Black Panther Party focused on class struggle within America with Black Americans as the leaders of a revolution. Which required raising the political consciousness of Black Americans. Which required international cooperation amongst other revolutionaries.

There are real Pan-Africanist organizations that are in Africa and focus politically and economically integrating African countries to provide greater stability and security.

And then there's the LARPing of so-called American Pan-Africanists with no actual stake in Africa or African people on the continent. They tell American Black people that their salvation comes from a connection to a continent and peoples they don't belong to. They get in the way of national discussions to do bullshit because of their romantic sentiments.

Lol, you can Google Pan-Africanism right now and majority of the latest news is about Africa and Africans on the continent and the political realities they face. Most modern political theory about Pan Africanism is about Africa and African people on the continent. They took the concept made it about themselves as they should since they are the ones that are actually in control of Africa.

Why should they suffer through the culture inferiority complex and romanticism of a certain type of Western Negro that sees Africa as a fantastical place. They have serious business to discuss.

Yet, we got Black folks in America thinking it's the 60's and 70's still, inheriting a legacy of political ineffectiveness and birthing it into the 21st century and beyond. For what?
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The Fridays here in Atlanta is playing some fantastic hip hop
It's a tragedy that you travel all over the U.S. , just to wind up at the same chain restaurants you have back at your home.

You really refuse to use the search function called "google" to search for better and local spots, lol.

If you are still in ATL, check out "Atlanta breakfast club". Thank me later.
It's a tragedy that you travel all over the U.S. , just to wind up at the same chain restaurants you have back at your home.

You really refuse to use the search function called "google" to search for better and local spots, lol.

If you are still in ATL, check out "Atlanta breakfast club". Thank me later.

Thing is, I’m usually done with dropping off the inmate at an unreasonable time so places like Fridays are usually the only places open after 10pm. And I’m so hungry that I just want food and don’t want to wait. I usually bypass fast food since I’m tired of it. I drove by the Fridays and went in and ate lol
Lol, you still didn't refute my point.
I did.

You were contradicted on every point by the people you claim to represent..If the Panthers had their way, I would be able to explain it to you in Igbo.

BPP is a Marxist Leninism Black Nationalist Party.

Like all Marxist Leninism parties, they are revolutionary nationalists because you gotta secure your own damn country to have an international socialist revolution.

Fidel Castro was a revolutionary nationalist that turned into a Marxist Leninist. Which is why Cuba supported revolutions in Africa and Latin America.
I’m not sure if you think that repeating “they’re marxists!” 100 times nullifies the explicitly Pan-African underpinnings of the party but I’d remind you that W.E.B Du Bois was a Pan-African socialist along with Kwame Nkrumah and Franz Fannon - Three authors that the party kept on the Panther Book List as required reading.
And they focused on America and their people in America because Mao did. Huey P. Newton was a big fan of Mao, even went to China.
Good old Chairman Huey

At Chairman Huey’s funeral in Oakland, what flag did the remaining Panthers and Oakland residents fly? Must been a Town Bid’ness flag. Or was it the flag of the guy who was required reading by all Black Panthers?


I’m sure you know who this is.


Here’s Kathleen Cleaver DeLiNeAtiNg for you. Black brothers in Mexico, but not China - those are just our communist brothers..Only the AFRICANS are our real brothers.

With that, I think we’ve put this mythology to bed. They were clearly self identifying Pan-Africanists..didn’t even have to mention Dhoruba or Angela Davis.
Fidel Castro was a revolutionary nationalist that turned into a Marxist Leninist. Which is why Cuba supported revolutions in Africa and Latin America.
Here’s what Kwame Toure said about El Commandante

But I guess Toure wasn’t a pan Africanist, he was a Marxist-Leninist!!! 🙄..The only Pan Africanists on earth are Umar, Polight and Akon!!

See, like all Western Pan-Africanists, you are stuck on culture. I don't care about culture. I care about political actions and material conditions. I already told you that the BPP arose in a revolutionary time and they were expecting to be the leaders of a revolution.
Yep, The African arm of it. You lucky I can’t find that statue of the African, Chinese and Soviet standing arm in arm.

Lol, like BPP followed Marxist Leninism to a tee, the self-defense, survival programs, schools, the ten point programs, it comes from Mao-Marx-Lenin.
So did Power To The People & the fist. You Know Nothing niggas are so ignorant of Black American history that you don’t even know we was on the frontlines of the American Socialist Party, Socialist Labor Party and the Intl Workers of the World - you gonna say Peter Clark got it from Marx too I’m sure.
Black Panther Party focused on class struggle within America with Black Americans as the leaders of a revolution. Which required raising the political consciousness of Black Americans. Which required international cooperation amongst other revolutionaries.
It didn’t. Outside of the Algerians and Cubanos allowing Cleaver refuge, the black Panther party was made up almost completely of American Blacks domestically and didn’t benefit from any international revolutionaries, flowery statements or “co-operation ”,something you pointed out in your previous post.
And then there's the LARPing of so-called American Pan-Africanists with no actual stake in Africa or African people on the continent. They tell American Black people that their salvation comes from a connection to a continent and peoples they don't belong to. They get in the way of national discussions to do bullshit because of their romantic sentiments.
Yeah, I agree that organizations based in African countries focus on issues affecting their constituency, like the EFF in South Africa or Community Movement Builders in America, these are both vocally Pan-African orgs that benefit local Africans and run Pan-African candidates in local elections to further the cause of pan africanism worldwide.

Please tell me how building housing for Black people in Oakland and Atlanta + forming African militias to save Black ATLiens benefits people in Senegal.
Why should they suffer through the culture inferiority complex and romanticism of a certain type of Western Negro that sees Africa as a fantastical place. They have serious business to discuss.

Yet, we got Black folks in America thinking it's the 60's and 70's still, inheriting a legacy of political ineffectiveness and birthing it into the 21st century and beyond. For what?
Africans in the Americas are uniquely gifted with the right to Abode in Ghana, South Eyfrika and a handful of continental states. During civil unrest-like what were very likely heading toward- Americans have historically committed mass murder against Black people (Draft Riots, LA riots, Hurricane Katrina,Kyle Rittenhouse,). Having provisions for citizenship in another country can save millions of lives as they have in the past (Haiti, Mexico, Canada). This exists solely because of the unifying work of Pan Africanists; Kwame Nkrumah invited MLK to his inauguration and put Marcus Garvey’s Black star on his flag - two of those people were mainstays on the Panther Required Reading List 😌

Think we covered everything here.