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Added to Calendar: 09-13-24


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When an American family is invited to spend the weekend at the idyllic country estate of a charming British family they befriended on vacation, what begins as a dream holiday soon warps into a snarled psychological nightmare.​
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It's crazy, I saw the original movie earlier this year. It was a french/English movie. Pretty eerie. Worth the watch. This remake seems to be pretty much the same movie.
Audience started clapping loudly when the kid killed him. Don't know why but I was kind of hoping it wasn't going to be a 'happy ending' 🤷‍♂️

Side note: some couple brought their kid to see this. The kid wasn't being noisy but the kid may have done something to the seat in front of them. No idea if that's the reason but after the movie was done and the family walked down the steps and passed them. The guy that was in front of them started repeating loudly "father of the year" very condescendingly. Don't know if the kid did something or it was that the guy disapproved of bringing a kid to this movie. He went up to the guy who was sitting and repeating it. Then started walking away but then paused. I wasn't trying to wait and see what happens since it is Florida so I left

As I was leaving I noticed someone behind me left their phone so I told the staff on my way out. Figured They'd get the phone and breakup anything that happened
Praise : These days or maybe it's always been the case people are suspicious of a stranger even stopping them to ask for directions out of fear of what it might lead to. Not so with the The Daltons – father Ben (Scoot McNairy), mother Louise (Mackenzie Davis), and daughter Agnes (Alix West Lefler) who are originally from the United States but are now living in London. London. Now Paddy (James McAvoy), Ciara (Aisling Franciosi), and their mute son, Ant (Dan Hough), friendly enough British travelers so why not go to their home for a visit. I like the way the story sets up the slow reveals,through mannerisms or the sudden roughness of a character which mainly comes from another great McAvoy. He portrays Paddy as charming so much so he gets characters to do what he wants even though they are dead set against it. Sometimes it's that oh I'm just trying to be helpful manipulation and my family identifies with so much about your family and the lure is hard to deny. There are some great scenes as situations play out and are well acted as to what Paddy is really up to. There are obvious signs that something odd is going on but the film has already sold me and the Daltons on the ok they're just different bracket. Then when things become to creepy it may be to late.

PROBLEMS: I felt some portions of the movie became predictable especially when there is a visual reveal and there was still about 40 minutes of the movie to go.I couldnt get on board with a couple of things that played out,so much so i almost yelled out just let it go !! Then it falls in to the basic thriller lane and it's likely why some people prefer the 2022 Danish version of the same name which I have not seen but very curious to check out the differences.

Scale of 1 to 10 a 7½