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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

nows everyones chance, yourself included, to engage with the candidates to see if that is something they would support if they were to be elected/secure your vote

See that's built in loophole. So, if we don't get up there and plead our case to these politicians they won't do anything because they're ignorant to our issues? Are they clueless to black issues? Or are they willfully negligent?

You are still under the impression that the system works the way they say it works. It doesn't work like that for black people. We've been crying and marching since the '60s at least. They know our issues and deliberately ignore. It's not because we're not shouting loud enough
I've never understood how any black person could be gung ho for Kamala. Maybe I missed an important arc of her story, but it's my understanding that when she was a prosecutor in CA, she basically used her power to terrorize black people. Why would or should we now support her?

It’s a game of perception when it comes to politics…and life in general

“I like you enough so I’ll excuse your dishonesty”


“I don’t like you so I’ll ostracize you despite your attempt at being honest”
Unfortunately, it's a very unfair question....

The only thing either candidate wants from black people are votes..... But the black vote isn't powerful enough to generate any real change. Meaning neither candidate has any real concern or motivation to make things better specifically for black people.

Black interests aren't a priority for any candidate. There will be no difference coming from the actual chair itself.... The only impact will be the physical optics of it and the morale amongst the people.

Essentially.... Do black people feel better with Trump in change, and his followers feeling entitled. Or do black people feel better with Kamala in charge, because we can take pride in a black woman president.

That's it. There will be no true benefit, no true effort to better the American experience for black folks regardless of who wins. We're going to get the exact same shit no matter what. It just comes down to who the we feel most comfortable with fucking us over. Cuz neither will make any decision with our best interests at heart.
Unfortunately, it's a very unfair question....

The only thing either candidate wants from black people are votes..... But the black vote isn't powerful enough to generate any real change. Meaning neither candidate has any real concern or motivation to make things better specifically for black people.

Black interests aren't a priority for any candidate. There will be no difference coming from the actual chair itself.... The only impact will be the physical optics of it and the morale amongst the people.

Essentially.... Do black people feel better with Trump in change, and his followers feeling entitled. Or do black people feel better with Kamala in charge, because we can take pride in a black woman president.

That's it. There will be no true benefit, no true effort to better the American experience for black folks regardless of who wins. We're going to get the exact same shit no matter what. It just comes down to who the we feel most comfortable with fucking us over. Cuz neither will make any decision with our best interests at heart.

The bold is an odd thing to say. The black vote has, in some ways, driven the past couple elections. That makes it powerful enough to generate change. The problem is that black people never really hold politicians accountable for not delivering on change, so politicians don't feel any need to follow through.
The bold is an odd thing to say. The black vote has, in some ways, driven the past couple elections. That makes it powerful enough to generate change. The problem is that black people never really hold politicians accountable for not delivering on change, so politicians don't feel any need to follow through.
Impacting results isn't the same thing as generating change.

There will always be pandering for the black vote bcuz it can impact the swing in certain markets...

But you just listed why that vote never brings about real change, no matter how hard that pandering is prior to the election.

It's about the sale and presentation
. Never a follow thru
The bold is an odd thing to say. The black vote has, in some ways, driven the past couple elections. That makes it powerful enough to generate change. The problem is that black people never really hold politicians accountable for not delivering on change, so politicians don't feel any need to follow through.

What I believe he’s saying is that the minority voice will always be the minority…

Even though our votes count…the minority doesn’t count as much compared to what the majority wants

That’s how “democracies” work.

Majorities rule…minorities drool
Impacting results isn't the same thing as generating change.

There will always be pandering for the black vote bcuz it can impact the swing in certain markets...

But you just listed why that vote never brings about real change, no matter how hard that pandering is prior to the election.

It's about the sale and presentation
. Never a follow thru

Yes, but my point was that black people have enough impact that it should lead to change. We just never demand it. The Dems don't have to do anything of substance for black people because they've been so successful playing identity politics. That's why Kamala is the VP to begin with. Biden didn't have to promise to change anything for black people. He made her the VP and black women showed up and showed out to the point of even bashing black men for not being a gung ho in support of the ticket. Why do you think he always makes a point of saying he's put the first black woman in the Supreme Court?

You're right, we aren't generating any change, but it's not because of our lack of impact. It's because we allow ourselves to be placated with bullshit.
See that's built in loophole. So, if we don't get up there and plead our case to these politicians they won't do anything because they're ignorant to our issues? Are they clueless to black issues? Or are they willfully negligent?

You are still under the impression that the system works the way they say it works. It doesn't work like that for black people. We've been crying and marching since the '60s at least. They know our issues and deliberately ignore. It's not because we're not shouting loud enough

Theres a big difference between marching and lobbying. Both used in conjunction TOGETHER is how shit gets done and you know this.

Closed mouths dont get fed. Squeaky tire gets the oil and all that. These are not new concepts
I wanna hear from her about
how she would handle the wars in Ukraine and Palestine. I think thats gonna determine if alot of younger voters fuck with her or not.
de-scheduling/legalizing herb
what she gonna do about criminal justice reform and holding law enforcement accountable
her views on gun control
raising taxes on the wealthy

and a few other things. She's the better option of the two options we currently have.. But i'd still like some clarity on her stance on a buncha issues
She can always change her mind but
In an interview later that month, she emphasized her opposition to an Israeli invasion of Rafah, the city in southern Gaza to which more than a million people had fled. “I have studied the maps,” she said. “There’s nowhere for those folks to go, and we’re looking at about 1.5 million people in Rafah who are there because they were told to go there, most of them.”

She has said on multiple occasions that she supports a two-state solution.
Last month, Harris announced the U.S. would donate over $1.5 billion to Ukraine, with the funds coming from the State Department and USAID.

The financial assistance is intended to repair infrastructure and aid in security, energy and refugee assistance.

Harris has been in lockstep with Biden with regard to helping Ukraine amid its war with Russia.

During the June summit regarding peace in Ukraine, Harris spoke about America’s commitment to the Eastern European nation.

“I am here today to stand with Ukraine and the leaders from around the world in support of a just and lasting peace,” Harris said.

“As we look forward to that peace and work toward that, the United States is committed to helping Ukraine rebuild.”

After meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in February, Harris expressed her belief that the U.S. must be of assistance.

“It is in the strategic interest of the United States to continue our support,” Harris said. “International rules and norms are on the line, including the fundamental principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
Gun Control:
She's called for an assault rifle ban
When Harris was running for president in 2020 against Biden, she campaigned on major tax cuts for the working class, tax credits for renters and a major expansion of Medicare.