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Redbox Files For Bankruptcy; Nearly $1B In Debt

The one at the Kroger closest to me had a sign on it talmbout it was going to stop taking returns soon.

I'm kinda surprised about this. Even in the last year or so I've seen lines at the Redbox machines. Figured they would be doing enough to stay afloat.
Redbox is the phone booth of the digital age. They shoulda seen this coming years ago.

This. As streaming ticked up, they should have found a way to transition their business or cut their losses before winding up in debt. There is no way they shouldn't have seen the end coming.

Blockbuster can rest in peace now

The people that ran Blockbuster have to be least visionary people to have existed in business. They had a chance to buy Netflix early on but didn't see the value in it. Had they been smarter, all their stores would have still closed, but now Blockbuster would be the big time streaming app and they'd probably be more successful than they ever were as a brick and mortar store. I think Yahoo made a similar goof by passing on buy Google.