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Deal-Breakers That Some People Might Consider Petty

…. When it comes to choosing a spouse/significant other….

I could never marry a woman who drinks and/or smokes.


Smoking is a no no for me but if I ever see a chick drunk it would be a no . A chick that doesn't shower everyday , a lazy female with trash & clothes all over the house . Eating in the bedroom is a big no no . An habitual liar & cheater
anybody on that "fake it til you make it" time.
cigarette smokers and, especially, chronic weed smokers. I have zero tolerance for either.
super tatted up chicks. I can look past one or two, but if her body's marked up like a Willie Northpole song, I can't fuck with her.
chicks that mention their degree more than once on a first date.
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You got high school girls running around nowadays wearing wigs.

That shit is becoming normal.

Back when we were in school, that kinda stuff didn’t exist.

It’s sickening!

My senior year there was ONE chick that dared to walk in school with extensions and she got clowned mercilessly. Thankfully it was towards the end of the school year so she ain't have shit to live down the next year since we were all headed off to college or whatever.
Do you run into this alot?
No but it happened with one of the girls I ever dated, she was half Filipino half white

She never talked about her family much but I was never invited over

After a few months she let it slip

That was actually the last person I claimed that wasn’t at least partially black. I didn’t make a hard rule about that part but now I am a lot more cautious.