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Poll Cops Find Your Boy's Gun In Your Car; You Snitching or Fighting The Case?

Fighting The Case or Snitching?

  • I'm Fighting The Case

  • I'm Snitching!

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Can't speak for others so I won't. I will speak for myself.

If I'm riding around with niggas with switches then obviously, we are all up to no good. He ran out on me and I most likely woulda run out on him. It's the life. Everything is everything, just don't get caught.

That being said, my lawyer will fight his ass off proving that my prints ain't on the switch and an innocent person doesn't run. I'll take my chance in court.
We talking about me right now?

A law abiding, married family man with a good job involved in no dirt?

Im snitching.

Unless he brought the gun cause we talked about and planned on doing something together with it. In that case ill be honorable.

But if we was just supposed to chill and drive somewhere catching up on life and he had it on him with me not knowing wtf was up, he going down with that charge.
We talking about me right now?

A law abiding, married family man with a good job involved in no dirt?

Im snitching.

Unless he brought the gun cause we talked about and planned on doing something together with it. In that case ill be honorable.

But if we was just supposed to chill and drive somewhere catching up on life and he had it on him with me not knowing wtf was up, he going down with that charge.

That's fair.
If you down for doing the dirt, then you staying in the dirt and whatever comes with it.

But you can't expect to be loyal for someone who didn't have the decency to tell you that he was putting you in harm's way.
Ain't you the same one that was talkin shit about Wallace on The Wire being a snitch? Shit hits different when the heat is on you huh?
No issue with dude being a snitch the issue is with people who look down on snitching but always bigging him up
Only way a gun left in my car is of I'm on that type of time as well. And if I'm in that world, v I'm taking the responsibility of my choice to have the nigga in the car with me to begin with. I'll do my best to lessen my time and take any pleas I can get

But I ain't giving a name
I dont surround myself with stupid people.. i also do not abide by the fantasy of these so called rules .. so in the super unlikely event this happened me and dude would have a conversation...

Also people gotta stop applying the term erroneously...." thats what niggas do"
If im not party to your crime its not snitching
You prolly stupid if you got a nigga with a gun in the car with you to begin with. You prolly put doing stupid shit. Don't smarten up cuz you bout to get in trouble
What if you don't know he got a gun. You stepped out to put gas in the car and he stashed it?
Niggaz die thinking they right all the time. Real life ain't like the Internet.

You say a nigga name to the law, a nigga you already know hold guns. You will be labeled a snitch. And you will put a mark on your head. So if he was the type to be chilling enough to be in your car... Get your gun... Cuz one of y'all getting shot or shot at as a direct result of saying his name to the police.

It don't matter if you think that don't qualify...

It's as simple as what Marlo said...

You want it to be one way, but it's the other way...