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Do You Only Consider Black People Born In The States Black?

Not that hard. If your ancestry came from Africa in a he past 500 years.

But then I look at folks from the Solomon Islands and Aborigines who are black but been living outside Africa for 1000s of years
lol based on this

then there’s no need for the question to be asked right?
Wow! But if I said this you would wack my posts and troll me for pages

That's exactly the entire point. Niggas have left their culture behind to come here and shit on ours. We have done nothing to them but they have animosity towards us

@Blue_London fled the Caribbean then turns around and says the Caribbean gave us Hip Hop and refuses to provide proof... that's a disrespectful tether

Does @TTBF ever talk about the poor conditions in Guyana, the country he fled to be up under white folks in Canada? He shits on black Americans using black American slang in every sentence. That's being a tether. It's been like this forever but it's being dealt with now

Bruh you’re against blue London because he wanted us to vote democrat and said it on abw. He in London he has no pull and n out politics. You hate freeman cuz some shit about white folks. Neither of these niggas has hated on black Americans in a real sense. They may not like American arrogance and nobody does.

But look at you. Elzo stay talking about black
American coon shit and it’s no smoke at all. Be better if you admit that you don’t like folks and not try and make it seem like a defense of our ethnic group.

Black people in other countries had slave rebellions and whole resistant movements. Sane time the civil rights movement was happening here Black in the Caribbean and Africa were getting their independence from euro powers. Caribbeans don’t want our reparations they want their own.

You think they taking food out our mouths but have no where near the smoke for actual whites. Black panthers inspired worldwide movements and they were inspired by previous movements

How can you want black people to come up but don’t like 85% of them. You don’t even know their political stance outside twitter.

Does the dock worker in Jamaica give af about Trump?
lol based on this

then there’s no need for the question to be asked right?

The only time people can’t figure out who is black is when white folks fight against reparations. They act like they can’t tell who gets what. It was real easy to tell in my parents time who was black and who wasn’t
Shut up.. lift each other up?

You're sick

You talk anti black shit everyday like MAGA

How is threatening to slap Mark Jones for standing next to your old white crush lifting us up?

The only way you can help "lift" us is by stop worshiping the white race and stop undermining Black America. Until you do that you're a hypocrite

Deadeye likes white women
I think most functioning adults know that black people exist outside the United States.

But, you’d be surprised.

I remember I was talking to this white dude about the Olympics and I mentioned the fact that one of the volleyball teams was all black and he said “no, they’re not black, they’re Cuban “.


And I’m thinking…. Is he serious???

They’re STILL Black!

I see a lot of FBA vs Tethers conversations online and never really entertained it, but it seems to be a big talking point.

Do you only consider black people born in the states as black?
Are you throwing a shot at someone dawg ?
I say fuk that FBA & ADOS bs by Tariq & Yvette carnell it only brings more division amongst negroes. Those stupid acronyms means nothing to the ones in power

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The silliest thing ever.

Like if you want to highlight the specificity of the Black American experience, and the distinctiveness of Black American culture, then by all means, go ahead.

But to seemingly say that Black Americans are the only 'Black' people is to deliberately sow confusion, and may speak to a certain degree of arrogance.
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I see a lot of FBA vs Tethers conversations online and never really entertained it, but it seems to be a big talking point.

Do you only consider black people born in the states as black?

And for these FBA fools, even people born in the states are not Black unless their ancestors were enslaved there.
I wouldn't understand the experience of a Black American but I assume we're all one way affected by the evils of White supremacy wherever we find ourselves on planet Earth as BLACK people...

I'm a Nigerian who was born in Britain in '81... In '82 Thatcher who was then Prime Minister abolished automatic citizenship for immigrants children so I passed...

.. Britain created Nigeria for commercial and ulterior motives ...the individual tribal nations that make up Nigeria are not compatible at all hence it being a failed state since independence from Britain

I'm basically an economic immigrant living in Britain because of Britain's colonial conquest of my ancestral land ... What goes around

I've done said I'm done with the Black American Vs the rest of us back and forths on here ... It's virtually a waste of time and keystrokes
.. it's dumb too

I'm for the upliftment of every Black person on Earth consciously and financially
I think anybody who at some point had to write “Black” on a piece of paper or say it about themselves in order to not be thrown off a slavseship or to get government assistance of any kind to not die of starvation, is Black.

Brazil is the largest African nation blah blah..Imagine telling a nation of 25 million people that the term White people tossed their ancestors into boiling sugarcane and pig feces and raped their mothers for is no longer applicable to them. Go find another race 🤣

Now Mexico
Now Colombia
Now Haiti

It’s been said a few pages up, but yeah- it’s psyche ward shit when niggas start saying these things and it makes it SOOOOOOO much more difficult for people like me who actually do community work.
I consider all black ppl to be black,but when when we say black in the US it's a specific experience.

I'm talking family reunions ,drunk uncles,Shootings and drive bys,Doing the electric slide,knowing the good times theme song,watching Soul train,fish frys,police brutality and being targeted ,being followed in stores,Watching Martin,somehow dealing with US history ,but still seeming unfazed to the unseen eye.

You know black shit.

I think the separation comes in when some foreign black ppl don't really understand the relationship between the US and black ppl. and talk down to us like racists.

But I do think there are ppl who are black and not from here who get it and are cool.
Black people that descend from slaves are "African Americans"

Somebody that emigrated from Nigeria 20 years ago is a "Nigerian American" because he can actually trace his ancestry to Nigeria.

(Most) Black descendants of slaves can't trace our lineage back to Africa.

All these labels become senseless. Especially when you consider that most people are mixed with something.

The only people that aren't mixed is immigrants that came off the boat. They can pass for "Black" but they're not really "African Americans" IMO.