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So.... what's going on with Jamie Foxx??? AKA I'ma need a refund on my prayers🤔

Remember niggas in this thread was legit mad b/c they felt entitled to access all of Jamie's medical records just b/c they went to see "Law Abiding Citizen"? Good times. Lol!
Remember when some people in this thread thought his illness was because he got vaccinated, even though he’s never publicly stated whether he’s been vaccinated or not?
Was gonna ask what could possibly make someone have a headache, take an advil, and then wake up 20 days later with no knowledge of what happened

But apparently we can’t ask that😒

Mind your mf business.
So he was unconscious for 20 days, so he wasn't playing pickleball 2 weeks after being in the hospital

Sounds like early onset dementia. One of the worst things a person can go through. What may seem like minutes can be days to them. They have a hard time remembering things and then it just goes downhill from there. There's lots of treatment to prolong it, the best ways to prevent it comes down to diet, exercise and keeping stress levels low. Also eating foods healthy for the brain.
Sounds like he had a aneurysm to me. I know a few people that had one. A couple of them actually died. Big headache usually is a precursor to one followed by memory loss. Since they say he was doing the rehab shit that stroke victims go through, it's very plausible that he had a aneurysm. Gotta get that blood pressure down Jamie. He's lucky to be alive.