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Poll Putting A Child In A Predominantly White School Does More Harm Than Good

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What’s wrong with a class with no homework?

Especially if that teacher is doing real teaching in the the room instead of outsourcing their job to parents at home
Homework reinforces teachings. Practicing the lessons learned, and studying have always been key in schools.
Homework reinforces teachings. Practicing the lessons learned, and studying have always been key in schools.
Sure but if they have 8 classes a day I don’t see anything wrong with some of the teachers not giving out homework

When I was in school many teachers used homework as a substitute for actual instruction
Sure but if they have 8 classes a day I don’t see anything wrong with some of the teachers not giving out homework

When I was in school many teachers used homework as a substitute for actual instruction
I had the same a few times too, so I hear what you're saying. But in that situation it's up to parents to ask what they were taught in class and reach out to the teacher if need be. In most cases, kids just don't want to do work once they leave school, and that's a discipline issue we've seen fall off through the past few generations. It's also why Asian kids do so well, their parents are old school when it comes to homework and studies.
I had the same a few times too, so I hear what you're saying. But in that situation it's up to parents to ask what they were taught in class and reach out to the teacher if need be. In most cases, kids just don't want to do work once they leave school, and that's a discipline issue we've seen fall off through the past few generations. It's also why Asian kids do so well, their parents are old school when it comes to homework and studies.
I do also have general issues with homework as far as the imbalance between students and the different environments they have at home

If all that material is so critical then they need to extend the school day 1-2 hrs and put them all in an a daily study period
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I went to an all boys Catholic school for 7th and 8th grade. I was one of 6 Black students.

It was the best thing that ever happened to me. The teachers force you to do your homework so you learn better.

In public school I took classes where there was no homework.
were you or your parents okay with whitey pushing their religous belief system on you?
I believe parental involvement is the most important factor. My daughter is entering the 9th grade and I've done the experiment of measuring how well she manages herself depending on our (her parents) level of attention paid to her school work. Based on her habits from the first through the eighth grade, she requires constant attention to ensure she maintains focus. When I lost focus and stopped checking her work weekly and making sure she reads/summarizes daily, her grades dropped terribly. If I stay attentive to her school work and study habits, she earns straight As. It's a little annoying, because that means the ability is there, she simply doesn't care if I don't care.

Her teachers have become only half of the reason she is learning or not, because many seem a bit bitter about the job. With some i get the sense that the change in demographics has surprised them and they don't know how to react to it. I feel like I do a fair share of educating and that I should really only expect the school/teachers to provide a curriculum and alternative perspective to what is heard in my child's family. Ultimately the family is responsible for educating the child.
I believe parental involvement is the most important factor. My daughter is entering the 9th grade and I've done the experiment of measuring how well she manages herself depending on our (her parents) level of attention paid to her school work. Based on her habits from the first through the eighth grade, she requires constant attention to ensure she maintains focus. When I lost focus and stopped checking her work weekly and making sure she reads/summarizes daily, her grades dropped terribly. If I stay attentive to her school work and study habits, she earns straight As. It's a little annoying, because that means the ability is there, she simply doesn't care if I don't care.

Her teachers have become only half of the reason she is learning or not, because many seem a bit bitter about the job. With some i get the sense that the change in demographics has surprised them and they don't know how to react to it. I feel like I do a fair share of educating and that I should really only expect the school/teachers to provide a curriculum and alternative perspective to what is heard in my child's family. Ultimately the family is responsible for educating the child.
Environment and parents go hand and hand.

Bad environment is more traps your kid can fall into

Your kid is not with you 24/7

Your kid having good friends from good families is key. But in bad environments it’s harder to find
Environment and parents go hand and hand.

Bad environment is more traps your kid can fall into

Your kid is not with you 24/7

Your kid having good friends from good families is key. But in bad environments it’s harder to find
Of course, though how strong one's family ties are plays an important role in how much influence your environment has on you. I remember when my daughter was about 8 or 9, I asked her what she would say if someone said "hey nigger!" to her. Her reply was "I would say hey." I lmao. She didn't register that "nigger" was anything to take note of. There were plenty of Black children at her school, and plenty more children in general simply using "nigga." But "nigger" isn't apart of her generation's hate (not yet at least). They learned about Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr, yet "nigger" never seemed to come up.

Some parents may think it's great that their child didn't know what "nigger" meant, because her environment is different, and so is the education, which is why it's my job as her family, parent, and father to round out the rest of her education so that she doesn't enter high school or college at a disadvantage she wasn't aware existed.
were you or your parents okay with whitey pushing their religous belief system on you?
We studied the Bible. The Old Testament in 7th grade and the New Testament in 8th grade.

Studying the bible is very useful in life. A lot of people don't know it. There's parables in The Bible that relate to everyday life. A lot of people aren't versed in The Bible and when you reference the Bible they have no idea what you are talking about. They don't know who Paul is, or they don't understand the difference between the Old vs New Testament. Sometimes I'll bring this stuff up in a conversation and I can tell they have no idea what I'm talking about, or worse, they try to argue using the bible as a reference and you can tell they've never studied it.
Here's the think.. Black schools with black teachers who really give a fuck about black children.... They put their whole hearts into them kids... The really are concerned about those kids making it and rising above the odds.

Most black educators I know definitely feel they are purpose driven to help push a new age of young black adults that are educated, articulated, and driven towards success. They'll risk themselves to help kids in need.

With White schools... They will call the police on Black kids so damn fast.... The dont want no difficulties with their black students. And they wanna be sure as shit the parents aren't using a fake address to sneak their kids into the good schools....
My kid is about to start kindergarten at a public school that has more Indians than any other race

Curious to see how this goes but I assume they not gonna be dummies

Hope he does ok.

Those Indian motherfuckers are some of the most anti-black.

Hope he does ok.

Those Indian motherfuckers are some of the most anti-black.
What I’ve picked up from living over here is, to them, absolutely no one exists other than the other Indians they know

They will stand with a group of 8 people directly in a supermarket entryway, completely oblivious to being in the way of every other person

They will stop their car in the middle of a busy road to look at GPS or whatever the fuck

They have zero awareness of anyone else existing so idk how that will translate to their offspring who was raised over here