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Added to Calendar: 06-04-24



No way this guy's a true Sith Lord imho. On the off chance that it is, it's an Apprentice that is about to get replaced REAL quick.

I've read most of the High Republic books and the silence you hear about the Sith is deafening. Not the slightest hint of them niggas lurking in the shadows. The proxys are working through proxys.

So we goin from that to puttin a battery in a random force user's back and tellin em to start bumping off Jedi??? That shit don't add up.

I think its a failed apprentice or some kind of weird Sith stan and one of the real ones gonna show up pissed off like Gusto in CB4

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No way this guy's a true Sith Lord imho. On the off chance that it is, it's an Apprentice that is about to get replaced REAL quick.

I've read most of the High Republic books and the silence you hear about the Sith is deafening. Not the slightest hint of them niggas lurking in the shadows. The proxys are working through proxys.

So we goin from that to puttin a battery in a random force user's back and tellin em to start bumping off Jedi??? That shit don't add up.

I think its a failed apprentice or some kind of weird Sith stan and one of the real ones gonna show up pissed off like Gusto in CB4
In the phantom menace the council said Sith hasn't been seen in a millennium. Only Sith during this time is Darth Tenebrous and his apprentice Darth Plagueis and they stayed in the shadows
In the phantom menace the council said Sith hasn't been seen in a millennium. Only Sith during this time is Darth Tenebrous and his apprentice Darth Plagueis and they stayed in the shadows

This is 100 years before Phantom Menace. We never learned the name of Darth Tenebrous' master in Legends.

The Plagueis novel said he was a Twi'lek, who let the Jedi feel the dark side for the first time since Russan, and tried to invent a dumb anti-Jedi virus with Tenebrous. That's it. That was all the info we ever got.

My assumption is...that who is Master right now and the show will ultimately be about Tenebrous being recruited & initiated into Bane's Order of Sith Lords.

Plagueis has already been quietly confirmed as a Munn in the new canon because that idea came directly from Lucas. But he didn't have anything to do with creating Tenebrous or his master so they could be any species in the new canon. Probably human.



Also Yoda & Mace clearly know the Sith are back in TPM. Look at how they react to Qui-Gon reporting Maul's attack. THEY explained the Rule of Two to viewers for the first time at Qui-Gon's funeral. Why does nobody think about what that must mean lol
The jedi knew about the rule of two because of dark jedi Kibh Jeen, he discovered it when he fell to the dark side and told the jedi who defeated him. I don't know if that's canon or not, I like to think it is cause how else would the jedi order know if they hadn't bumped into any sith
I got confused when they started saying thread and witches instead of force and jedi lol

I think it is lazy writing to have them be created by the force like that

Koril looks like the female Darth Maul

Wait so Mae burnt the place down and killed everyone including their parents but is killing jedi and blaming them for it? Wtf? Fucking psycho. That makes no damn sense to me
She's killing those Jedi because she feels they're responsible for causing the division between her and her sister. They never get tested and Osha isn't tempted to become a Jedi if they never interfered.
Eh. I mean I get it you really like the show but to me it is some lazy writing. I had some high hopes because I like the actress and trailer showed an evil Jedi

As for why that origin story takes place within a female witchcraft community, Headland says she took inspiration from the Nightsisters of Dathormir seen on another Star Wars series. “I was very inspired by the Nightsisters storyline and the Ventress storyline on The Clone Wars when I was a budding writer,” says Headland. “So when I got the chance to make a show set in the Star Wars universe, it felt like, ‘Well, of course I'm going to do my version of witches. I just am going to shoot my shot.’
But The Acolyte journey into witchdom is not a mere extension of what we have already seen on other Star Wars shows, as Osha and Mae’s background perfectly fits in with the women they have become. “As the characters developed, it made a lot of sense that they would be at the center of a coven,” says Headland. “That the girls would be almost revealed not as children, but as the legacy of what their mother started.”
And what are we to make of Aniseya’s comment that she “created” the twins? Headland will not say much, but does tease, “If you keep watching the show, we do talk about that and explore that. I would say there isn't one answer to it. Some characters believe certain things, and other characters believe other things in terms of what she means by that. So you're going to have to watch and decide which side of that argument you're on.”
What doesn't make sense to me is why Torbin essentially committed suicide by drinking the poison last episode. I thought he was alluding to the Jedi doing some fucked up shit on Brendok
I don't blame people for getting confused but it's made pretty clear that this is 2 lesbians using the Force to create a life as opposed to the Force doing it on its own perogative

It probably wouldn't be the first the Jedi heard of some shit like that.

What doesn't make sense to me is why Torbin essentially committed suicide by drinking the poison last episode. I thought he was alluding to the Jedi doing some fucked up shit on Brendok

We didn't see what happened between the cultists and the Jedi but it sure looked like some Jedi Waco Siege shit went down lol
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