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AMC - Anne Rice's Talamasca (2025)

The also the group that's feeding Daniel information in season 2 of interview.

This could be amazingly good, or terribly bad... It's hard for an in between. There's no base novel or story to pull from.... Just accumulated knowledge from different novels, and a whole lot of freedom for freestyle. I'm going to assume this and night Island will mainly be used to world build for Akasha.

She is a Thanos level threat, and it looks like from my perspective they want to build her arrival as such. So they gonna do as much as they can before the Akasha reveal as possible to build anticipation
The Mayfair show is a rough watch....
. They didn't just make changes, they changed the entire story...and what they charged it into was confusing and just not very compelling.. ..

Interview changed a lot, but it still maintain the charm of the novels... The story is still the same.
. Mayfair is just all over the place...I just didn't like or enjoy it. And I loved the books
But if done right, they could literally do an episode on one off characters from the novels

They could do an episode on werewolves
An episode on memnoch the devil
An episode introducing Marius and those who must be kept
They could even do episodes on the mummy.....anne wrote some wild shit...and the Talamasca would have recorded it all.... It's a great great way to world build
I feel for Du having to defend shit like this.

That's how I feel internally for all Ursula K LeGuin adaptations.
They could do a dope ass episode on Gabrielle.... Then bring her back when all the QOTD shit goes down
They could do a dope ass episode on Gabrielle.... Then bring her back when all the QOTD shit goes down

You sound like a man whose spirit hasn't been fully broken yet for adaptations. You still have hope and that's cool. But they will let you down.
I feel for Du having to defend shit like this.

That's how I feel internally for all Ursula K LeGuin adaptations.
Yes, it's crazy, cuz these were guilty pleasure books of mines I read in my early 20's.... And they just stuck with me, I've read them all several times...I always felt that Hollywood could build a dope ass cinematic universe off of all her books. ... But I never thought it would really happen.... And this is exactly what AMC wants to do...

But as great as interview is, is as bad as Mayfair was...and neither got high ratings...

I also rooted for the DCEU.... So I'm used to disappointment 🤕
You sound like a man whose spirit hasn't been fully broken yet for adaptations. You still have hope and that's cool. But they will let you down.
The thing is, Anne really built a whole universe...

She had a book about a vampire named Vittorio who had nothing to do with any vampire n any other book, yet his story was immaculate... Like one of the best and most graphicz disturbing 🤛🏿, and violent vampire books she wrote.... And not one mention of any vampire from the chronicles...

The Talamasca would have record of that vampire... That could be a whole season, or a really good episode....
I've watched multiple UK LeGuin books get adapted and what drew me into them was the people were usually black or at least brown and she insisted on that as her criteria for adaptations and the studios or publishers always found a way around that shit. Even an anime and also SyFy channel version of the first Earthsea book which JK Rowling ripped off 100% to make Harry Potter was whitewashed.

I will say that Neil Gaiman is pretty good at keeping some creative control over adaptations of his work for better or for worse. Phillip Pullman does also to some degree and Douglas Adams did as well except for the movie with Mos Def which was actually not that bad but also not right at all (plus Adams, like Rice, was already dead at the time).