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COMMUNITY Coon of the Year nominations | MAGA Coon Lt. Gov of NC Mark Robinson jumps out to a wide lead. After he is identified as a “Black” Nazi

I grew up using them interchangeably, history be damned

If Uncle Toms name is that muddy then he didn't put up a good enough fight anyway 🤷🏾‍♂️
Yeah I distinctly remember conversations before and after the meaning changed

Coon used to be somebody who just played up stereotypes
2 outta every 5 abw posters is off code and that's me being nice about it. Topics on Caitlin Clark and Democrats can give you a hint of the energy round here..

But to answer the question, cooning is and has always been about self-preservation

Coons and people who Coon have a very simplistic way of looking at the situation.. "if I'm nice to them they'll be nice to me". "If I think like they do they'll accept me". "If I do what they want me to do I'll get further in life", so they internalize a lot of anti black sentiment in the name of survival. Also, they don't see survival in being black and/or representing black culture, so they live life being anti black
So since I just got here how do you rate my posting ? Do you think I have Cornish traits , snitch traits . Be honest with it
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Got to stop this BS. All he meant was that AA families were more intact before the 1960s. And he's right, as far as I know.

If dude is a coon, it's not because he said this. Though there was no reason to even mention Jim Crow at all.

Yes, but the reality is that these marriages broke up due to a time period where women majority couldn't own their own bank account. Had to be conjoined with their husband. Families are failing for numerous reasons and a lot of it has to do with the patriarchal system. People don't like being oppressed.
So since I just got here how do you right my posting ? Do you think I have Cornish traits , snitch traits . Be honest with it
Lol. You seem like an on code brother to me. You seem invested in Black empowerment and resisting white supremacy which is all one can ask

That's the thing, some of these dudes seemingly go out of their way to say off code, if not outright coonish shit here. You'd think black men speaking in our best interest would come naturally but no so much here. I nicknamed this place The Plantation because of how stuck in the past the consensus is sometimes... most times
Lol. You seem like an on code brother to me. You seem invested in Black empowerment and resisting white supremacy which is all one can ask

That's the thing, some of these dudes seemingly go out of their way to say off code, if not outright coonish shit here. You'd think black men speaking in our best interest would come naturally but no so much here. I nicknamed this place The Plantation because of how stuck in the past the consensus is sometimes... most times
Brothas are lost my dude , most of us have been brought up by single moms who shouldn't have had kids & who had nothing positive to guide kids to be productive in society . You got 12 year olds out there stealing vehicles & going on high speed chases with law enforcement. You got youngins 12 years old breaking into people's homes with guns . White people stay on code when it comes to discriminate & locking us up using law enforcement and the justice system . Nothing is fair when dealing with them
She's the female CJ Pearson/new Candace Owens

She's a biracial tether who started getting her Auntie Ruckus on when she was still in high school. She saw how lucrative anti-black racism can be so she jumped on the train early
You got coons calling others coons . Money is s the root of all evil

She so desperate for the bag since YT Zaddy divorced her.. I guess none of those GOP YTs want a haggard coonette who’s the mother of 3.. They probably are out looking for some fresh coonette 🍣