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What's Something You Did In Your 20's That You Regret?

18 actually, but I kinda regret not taking up the Feds offer for a full ride scholarship. Thing is... I don't know where my life would be today had I done it and I can't imagine not having my kids nowadays.
It's hard to say what I regret, because to have regret may also imply you knew of a better option; too often when I start to have regrets I end up dissecting why I feel that way she usually I recognize that I was simply young, ignorant of my potential, and without the role models to help guide me.

We live this life with no instruction manual, so we're building our life by looking at images of other lives. Regrets teach us how to make hard decisions going forward; I'm glad the person the video recognized how to grow from their regrets, because that's all we really can do.
Drinking MD20/20 before a PT test.

Using steroids while deployed and a couple months after. Yeah it made the physical aspect of deployment a breeze, but when it came time to be a communicatorā€¦ it was like I could only communicate thru a series of grunts and gestures.

Eating wild things off the economy of the various countries I visited.

Lucky I didnā€™t end up with Rat Lung disease or pin worms or some shit
i couldnā€™t imagine my life before my kids. So all the regrets I did have ainā€™t regrets anymore

But I do have some after they was born lolololol.

Talked about it a little bit the happily marriage thread.
Not stacking my bread preparing my self for the future when I had it easy for a while. I was the definition of balling out for the moment.