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Poll Wrestling Legends: Pick 4

Wrestling Legends: Pick 4

  • Sting

  • Undertaker

  • Rick Flair

  • HBK

  • The Rock

  • Hogan

  • John Cena

  • Stone Cold

  • Bret Hart

  • HHH

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Let's be honest in 97-2000. Wrestling main events were filled with "brawls" rather then match quality and we ate that shit up.

Oh I know this bro, between watching Wrestling Bios and going back as an adult and watching some of the Attitude era, alot of that time period in-ring wise was SHIT outside of the main event scene lmaooooo
Oh I know this bro, between watching Wrestling Bios and going back as an adult and watching some of the Attitude era, alot of that time period in-ring wise was SHIT outside of the main event scene lmaooooo
WCW PPV shows were good under card matches but shit main events mostly due to their lower and mid card having good workers and their vets being lazy fucks outside Sting.

WWF PPV shows were crap mid card match after match but solid main events as they put all their eggs into their main event basket.
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nWo Hogan to me was the best heel in the 90s. Even as a kid It was no denying feeling Hogans nWo run as being a huge deal even outside the wrestling world.

Hunters unstoppable heel run closer to the mid 2000s was solid too on paper. One thing they had in common tho with their matches ...boring as the fuck. They didnt put over anybody(H only putting over Orton and Batista which were his boys) in the long game so they both are kind of two of the same with their protected runs but Hogans run was a way bigger deal across the entertainment industry. .
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The "definitely had better matches" isnt fair considering Austin's career was cut short so you cant go by that metric "alone."
Again Austin was the key player and the catalyst of the Attitude era, he was the biggest star, he crossed over into mainstream; something HBK did not. I can literally go on and on. This isnt even a debate lol
You can't move the goal posts bruh lol that's part of having a better career and stone cold was not that great of a wrestler he was more of a brawler.....he was great on the mic, he cut one of the best promos of all time but hbk has done alot more tho his influence throughout the business is undeniable
You can't move the goal posts bruh lol that's part of having a better career and stone cold was not that great of a wrestler he was more of a brawler.....he was great on the mic, he cut one of the best promos of all time but hbk has done alot more tho his influence throughout the business is undeniable
Sad to because before Owen broke Austin neck with the piledriver Austin was actually a really good wrestler. He had to turn into a brawler after that to protect his neck.
Cena should get more props then he does and id put him over Triple H too. Buddy held it down for over 10-15 summers plus carrying WWE on his back as THE guy. But most of us stopped watching by then to recognize it.
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You can't move the goal posts bruh lol that's part of having a better career and stone cold was not that great of a wrestler he was more of a brawler.....he was great on the mic, he cut one of the best promos of all time but hbk has done alot more tho his influence throughout the business is undeniable
Bruh you said "off matches alone" HBK had a better career than Stone Cold while ignoring every other metric I mentioned but I'm moving the goal post?

Have a blessed day king
I voted

Stone Cold

Sting is my GUY, Flair and Hogan - as much as people hate his shit - are on Mt. Wrestlemore of this shit (along with Andre and maybe my 4th), and Stone Cold was the captain of the Attitude Era.

Rock is a REALLY close 5th.
Bruh you said "off matches alone" HBK had a better career than Stone Cold while ignoring every other metric I mentioned but I'm moving the goal post?

Have a blessed day king
That was just an example I brought up but I also said hbk influence in the ring ran deep in the company
Gotta put some respect on Sting’s name!

People only remember Crow Sting, but Surfer Sting was a different animal. Sting back then was bigger and stronger than his Crow persona. He was the heart of WCW. He was a beast!