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Why Women Make Good Guys Wait and Other Guys Hit Quick

The game is twisted, that’s what ultimately leads to A lot of these alpha male podcasters to always have content is the inconvenient truths women like her present. So the good guy that actually likes you has to wait, but not the guy that doesn’t value you. You got to love with women I swear to God you got to.
It was often like that when you were a child, own experience. I fucked rich blonde girls when I was a gangster kid and hung out in the recreation yard every day and fought. Then when you got old and tired, unemployed and no education, there were no nice good looking girls for me but rather older educated ones, it works but you can't get them pregnant which is a disadvantage
I really don't but l believe sometimes it boils down to basic laws of attraction

I think men have a hard time accepting they level of attractiveness so women have learned to soften the blow with the 'good guy/nice guy' remarks

The male ego is a fragile thing
We talking initial physical attraction or the intangibles?

Cause I would argue a dude being the “badguy” is contributing to thier attractiveness

Just like men with promiscuous women

Part of what makes you want to smash is you know she is easy 🤷🏾‍♂️