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OJ Simpson dead at 76

Jay Z dedicated a whole song to him

it's just imbedded in us and maybe gotten a little hereditary. the history dominates our collective mentals. that our immediate achievements could be manipulated at the white mans whim is fuckin' scary to think life investment could go up in flames and no one would be held accountable? shiiiiiiit! it's hard. got niggas turning the gun on each other trying to get what they advertise on tv commercials. is any of that really freely within our reach? the hoops we go through.
I thought white people believe in the court system so much? He was found not guilty so why are they calling him a murderer?

The consensus in white society is OJ Simpson is a murderer despite being acquitted in their own system

And of course

Non white people follow right along, no questions asked.

Some black people are programmed af and even get riled up for saying he didn't do it

But let's pretend

The consensus in white society was he didn't do it and it was fully understood and 100% of white people verbally say "oj was innocent" please believe no black people would still be saying he did it

If white people openly had a change of heart, black people wouldn't go against that narrative.