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The Greatest Lesson Life Has Taught You So Far


Who do you think you are? I am
Personally, i believe, if there is any reason for our existences. It’s merely, and grandly. To experience what life is like individually, as us. If you are lucky enough, and fortunate enough, to live a life that grants you the ability to recognize valuable experiences.

When a Turtle drops their eggs on a beach and they hatch. Many die before reaching the sea. Many die just before they make it to sea, many die as soon as they make it to sea, and only a few make it beyond the beach into the deep sea.

Only a few of those make it to experience what a lifetime of being that specific turtle is. And, in every instance of every turtle, they all got to experience what it was like to be them under their circumstances.

As such, the things gleamed from those experiences, if you are lucky, is a perspective where you can learn valuable lessons about life and being you.

What do you think is the most valuable lesson you have learned by far, from simply being you and experiencing life?

For me is.. “You can’t save people, you can only help people. Often times what people need saving from the most is themselves and you can’t win a battle with someone else’s inner demons”
"Wherever you go, there you are."

"To be nobody but yourself, in a world
which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting." E.E. Cummings is where I first saw this, but similar ideas have been expressed.
"If you live for the cheers, you will die by the boos"

"If it ain't got shit to do with you, mind your business"

"If nobody knows you got money, keep it that way"

"Stop trying to please everybody because you never will"

"Stop stressing and focus on you"
Put yourself first. When you do, you will feel a lighter load on your shoulders

Focus on one thing at a time. Trying to do to many things at once is just plain stupid and you will likely get burnt.
You have to show up for people in the way they want/need you to. Not in the way you want to

There's more shit out of your control than in your control. Worrying about the shit you can't control will consume you.

Sometimes you just gotta say "fuck it" and do some shit knowing what the potential consequences are