Listen theres some casting choices or creative decisions these studios do that I dont get in an uproar over or have any issue with. Cause its never THAT deep to me at least. But I'm not gonna sit here and act like there isnt some level of pandering at all.
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No they didnt
They introduced a secret child Chadwick and Lupita had and named him T'Challa
Come on bro thats not the same shit lol

So whats the difference between that and introducing a variant played by the same person? Or changing the actor altogether? Or doing what they did? Its still a different character no matter how you slice it
Because it's pandering.
The little mermaid was already established as a redheaded white girl, no need to changed her.
They could had created a whole new original character and have her be black.

And why change her but keep the prince white?

Spider-Man is an established white character so by creating Miles, they were pandering. This is how white people dismiss Miles and refuse to refer to him as Spider-Man

Like the whole argument is so damn flimsy
lol BOOOOOOOOOsome00p p 9902

Listen theres some casting choices or creative decisions these studios do that I dont get in an uproar over or

Spider-Man is an established white character so by creating Miles, they were pandering. This is how white people dismiss Miles and refuse to refer to him as Spider-Man

Like the whole argument is so damn flimsy
Well yes and no. Yes in that he could have been called anything else instead of Spider-Man, no in that he is his own character instead of them just making Peter Parker black.
Having Miles as Spider-Man is really no different then having Miguel as Spider-Man
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A prime example is She-Hulk. The part where she is explaining to her cousin about having to hold back her emotions or some shit.

She is literally telling this to a man who's childhood trauma manifest into a 7 ft tall rage machine any time he gets angry.

They were trying to equate her being catcalled to the traumas Bruce has been
When was it established in the MCU that Bruce Banner had a fucked up childhood? You're assuming cause that was the case in the comics, that's the case in the MCU
When was it established in the MCU that Bruce Banner had a fucked up childhood? You're assuming cause that was the case in the comics, that's the case in the MCU
When was it established yhat he didn't have a fucked up childhood? Like where do you think the Hulk personality comes from?
Just because the MCU is not the comics doesn't mean it doesn't take elements from them.
When was it established yhat he didn't have a fucked up childhood? Like where do you think the Hulk personality comes from?
Just because the MCU is not the comics doesn't mean it doesn't take elements from them.
I don't make assumptions when I don't know. You're making an assumption it has to do with his childhood
Lol I feel bad for the director cause she's directed some quality stuff on the TV side like Succession and then this is her directorial debut in film