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Overused Forum Phrases

Suckio Andretti

Core Four
Mod Squad
Listen man when you post with the same people for so many years you’re gonna run into instances when people repeat themselves.

I wanted to make this thread as kind of a spin-off to the overused phrases thread

this one is just things you’re tired of seeing on forums or things you’re tired of seeing here because you posted on the IC/Blackboard/Coli/LSA as well
All of deadeyes gifs

I'm a Wire stan to the grave, but his insistent use of gifs and clips be having me like.....

I’ll go first:

Supergangster saying ANYTHING about Nas

any poster saying Kanye hasn’t been the same since his mother died (especially in 2022)

Sion “Gay threads are going to do numbers/go diamond”

will Add more as they come
It's pretty accurate though lol don't know why but it is lol
Black horror story posts, with no context and follow up..just..here’s a video of a nigga getting beat up by a cop..discuss. Here’s a video of some random woman saying black men ain’t shit..discuss

Tell you what..Reddit may be some white people shit. But when something go up, before the end of the day people know the name of those involved, why it happened, what happened before and after..

I seen a video of this black kid wit some white kids, white kid yelling at the black kid and then swings on him. When police arrive they rip the white kid off the black kid, throw the black kid to the ground and cuff him. Meanwhile..with Reddit research then mufuckas had the article for the news after the shit happen. Had the reason the fight happened, had a statement from the mama.

I’d like if I am gonna intake an emotional story it be more than a 10 second clip

Id like for shit to be presented more extensively vetted is what I’m saying