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Ellen Says She Was Molested At 15

Wow I completely disagree with pretty much all of this. Firstly this just one opinion and she didn't cite any study. Secondly she talkin' like Freud work has been discredited because of PC when it happened because his a lot of his ideas are wacko.

Third I don't see the connection between abused children's increased tendency to be abusive with homosexuals. As a group they're a very non violent bunch so I dunno what you're gettin' at there.

I don't think I understand the point about a forced narrative wherein homosexuals and hetero have different issues.

Do you really think they're a non-violent bunch??? Fam, domestic violence rates with same sex couples is the same or worse than hetero couples.


Rape between same sex partners is greater for both sexes than with their hetero counterparts.


Plus, all them lil boys raped by priests, all that's gay shit fam.

as for the rest, give me a bit 'cause I'll have to find the studies, but they're out there and there's a good number of them.

I don't think I understand the point about a forced narrative wherein homosexuals and hetero have different issues.

Think about this: Grown men that rape young boys are seen as pedophiles only. They're never called out as gay, ever. Them muhfuckas could have raped hundreds of boys but they're never referred to as gay. Jerry Sandusky was never referred to as gay, the Catholic priests... none of 'em.

Why is that???

Its that way because the LGBT community has effectively distanced themselves from gay pedophiles, of which quite a few are among their ranks. Want evidence? Go watch the movie "Milk". Harvey Milk was very well known to fuck young boys, going so far as to having full-blown sexual relationships with some of his victims. The flick doesn't deal with that part of his life at all. That muhfucka got his face on a postage stamp and a day named after him in California. Many of the most well known male gay activists were also NAMBLA supporters. Men like Larry Kramer (who's name adorns Yale's gay studies program), Allen Ginsberg, and Walt Whitman who are revered in gay circles were also heavy supporters of the pedophile rapist organization NAMBLA. Larry Kramer even spoke of how he may have infected a little boy with AIDS after fucking him!

But this shit is suppressed in the media. You can't bring that shit up at all without swift, powerful repercussions from the gay community.

Why this matters is because the LGBT community has very effectively suppressed most of their negative associations they once had and sexual abuse in their pasts is one of the biggest of them. The image of the benevolent gay is the one you see in the media right now. You don't see the child stalking gay man, you don't see the butch girl's gym teacher/coach looking for fresh meat in the locker room (even though there's no shortage of woman being arrested for just that). Even when some shit makes headlines, it's treated as a joke and quickly abandoned (i.e. Brittney Griner's domestic violence case and how widespread DV seems to be in the WNBA and among female pro athletes in general).

The point is the narrative is being controlled by the LGBT community to give them the best possible image. The mere fact that you said "As a group they're a very non violent bunch so I dunno what you're gettin' at there." is evidence enough of how effective they've been.
whoever did it i hope they burn in hell

Ellen Degeneres like my favorite famous white woman, no lie
lol, I wrote it across 3hrs going back and forth.
Ok cool
I knew of the domestic abuse within the gay community but u opened my eyes with the pedo vs gay agenda. Some shit that be in your face and u never see it.
I remember watching milk when it came out. A bunch of people walked out and even tho i def dont fuck with fruits, something told me to finish the movie.

Crazy how they tried to make that dude look like a great human being. But mlk laughed during a woman getting raped not to mention the fuckery they said about brother Malcolm.
Ok cool
I knew of the domestic abuse within the gay community but u opened my eyes with the pedo vs gay agenda. Some shit that be in your face and u never see it.
I remember watching milk when it came out. A bunch of people walked out and even tho i def dont fuck with fruits, something told me to finish the movie.

Crazy how they tried to make that dude look like a great human being. But mlk laughed during a woman getting raped not to mention the fuckery they said about brother Malcolm.

The same Feds that found all that dirt on MLK, said that Malcolm X was basically a saint. They kept him under surveillance but ultimately found nothing on him. I don't believe anything anyone says about Malcolm.
Erm that stuff that you and GNS posted just says the LGBT community commits acts of domestic violence at similar rates. Maybe I should have been more specific, but gays commit less crimes than other groups, which is what I meant when I said they're a non violent bunch.
Do you really think they're a non-violent bunch??? Fam, domestic violence rates with same sex couples is the same or worse than hetero couples.


Rape between same sex partners is greater for both sexes than with their hetero counterparts.


Plus, all them lil boys raped by priests, all that's gay shit fam.

as for the rest, give me a bit 'cause I'll have to find the studies, but they're out there and there's a good number of them.

Think about this: Grown men that rape young boys are seen as pedophiles only. They're never called out as gay, ever. Them muhfuckas could have raped hundreds of boys but they're never referred to as gay. Jerry Sandusky was never referred to as gay, the Catholic priests... none of 'em.

Why is that???

Its that way because the LGBT community has effectively distanced themselves from gay pedophiles, of which quite a few are among their ranks. Want evidence? Go watch the movie "Milk". Harvey Milk was very well known to fuck young boys, going so far as to having full-blown sexual relationships with some of his victims. The flick doesn't deal with that part of his life at all. That muhfucka got his face on a postage stamp and a day named after him in California. Many of the most well known male gay activists were also NAMBLA supporters. Men like Larry Kramer (who's name adorns Yale's gay studies program), Allen Ginsberg, and Walt Whitman who are revered in gay circles were also heavy supporters of the pedophile rapist organization NAMBLA. Larry Kramer even spoke of how he may have infected a little boy with AIDS after fucking him!

But this shit is suppressed in the media. You can't bring that shit up at all without swift, powerful repercussions from the gay community.

Why this matters is because the LGBT community has very effectively suppressed most of their negative associations they once had and sexual abuse in their pasts is one of the biggest of them. The image of the benevolent gay is the one you see in the media right now. You don't see the child stalking gay man, you don't see the butch girl's gym teacher/coach looking for fresh meat in the locker room (even though there's no shortage of woman being arrested for just that). Even when some shit makes headlines, it's treated as a joke and quickly abandoned (i.e. Brittney Griner's domestic violence case and how widespread DV seems to be in the WNBA and among female pro athletes in general).

The point is the narrative is being controlled by the LGBT community to give them the best possible image. The mere fact that you said "As a group they're a very non violent bunch so I dunno what you're gettin' at there." is evidence enough of how effective they've been.

But where is the connection between child abuse and homosexuality?
Erm that stuff that you and GNS posted just says the LGBT community commits acts of domestic violence at similar rates. Maybe I should have been more specific, but gays commit less crimes than other groups, which is what I meant when I said they're a non violent bunch.

have you never been to jail before?
Never sat in holding or booking for a few hours?

Fam, there's mad homosexuals get arrested every day for every crime conceivable. Assault and battery seems to be a favorite 'cause them niggas stay flinging their weak ass wrists at somebody and them Fedora/Kangol wearing bulldaggers stay trying to fight grown ass men. They get arrested just like straight folks for the same shit at the same rate. Sexuality ain't got shit to do with sellin' drugs or sticking up somebody.
Most of the women I've ever met on a personal level in my life, family and friends. Were molested or sexually assault in their youth. I only know 3 lesbian women, the rest are straight. Gay people are born that way.
Uhhh, not to be insen... fuck it 15 is a bit old. That's a high school sophmore. If you can have a learners permit to operate a 2 ton vehicle you can prevent abuse.
Nah man, just nah

Do u have any fam members around 15??

If so i couldnt imagine u sayin that to them God forbid they experience abuse
Thats retarded for so many reasons. 15 years olds aint that physically strong especially girls. Its grown men who get sexually abused bro. Some of yall niggas just type anything.
Every female i knew at 15 wouldn't have allowed
Nah man, just nah

Do u have any fam members around 15??

If so i couldnt imagine u sayin that to them God forbid they experience abuse
Yea, that's why I said that. Im drawing from experience. None of the girls in high school I went to were that docile. Imo that's old as hell to not be able to scream or kick someone in the nuts.
I'm not sure I believe that boys who were sexually abused as children more likely to become homosexuals. Homosexuality been with humanity since the earliest times we know of and same sex behavior has been observed in pretty much every animal species we have studied. How do people explain this? They have all been molested??

Homosexuality is complicated. You have so many scientists and psychiatrist with many different opinions on this subject. The only thing all of them will agree on is that you can't cure homosexuality. That's something only your pastor will tell you lol.

That's the jump everybody always makes for not studying it from an abuse perspective: no one rational is saying "ALL gay people were abused is the reason for gayness." We dissect the why of serial killers, murderers, prostitutes, and on and on but like the quote from the woman above points out that logic is ousted when homosexuals are brought up.

On adoption, doing due diligence research into a person's background before letting them adopt is sensible. You can't call me at the bank and start talking about give me bank account information without proving who you are, but we apply that logic to the homosexual community every day. If they're pressed on anything beyond "Gay is great" it's immediately the asking party is homophobic and needs to apologize. You can ask a million black people every day "why do Black people xyz..." or white people "Why do white folks..." or Mexicans and on and on but if you cross examine gay or generally observe something, it's automatically homophobia? That's creating a massive logistical black hole wherein you can hide some dark shit.

If questioning people ends at "I'm black/white/brown/Czech/gay" then Occam's Razor here, why wouldn't the sinister roll that out to keep eyes from prying too hard?
Yea, that's why I said that. Im drawing from experience. None of the girls in high school I went to were that docile. Imo that's old as hell to not be able to scream or kick someone in the nuts.
Nah u dont know everyone's situation and not everyone will react the same. Some ppl freeze up in certain situations as well. This shit happens more often than whatever the statistics say.

All those chicks at ur school that werent 'docile' im sure some were victims of the shit just never spoke about it.

Add that if its a family member that can make someone more reluctant to speak up especially the way many traditional families of the older generations would be hostile if u made such an accusation.

Too many layers to this shit to just say "ur 15, u couldve did more to avoid this"
Most of the women I've ever met on a personal level in my life, family and friends. Were molested or sexually assault in their youth. I only know 3 lesbian women, the rest are straight. Gay people are born that way.

There's absolutely zero hard scientific evidence to support "born this way" and there never has been. The results of the single report that gave us the so-called "gay gene" have never been duplicated even once.
That's the jump everybody always makes for not studying it from an abuse perspective: no one rational is saying "ALL gay people were abused is the reason for gayness." We dissect the why of serial killers, murderers, prostitutes, and on and on but like the quote from the woman above points out that logic is ousted when homosexuals are brought up.

On adoption, doing due diligence research into a person's background before letting them adopt is sensible. You can't call me at the bank and start talking about give me bank account information without proving who you are, but we apply that logic to the homosexual community every day. If they're pressed on anything beyond "Gay is great" it's immediately the asking party is homophobic and needs to apologize. You can ask a million black people every day "why do Black people xyz..." or white people "Why do white folks..." or Mexicans and on and on but if you cross examine gay or generally observe something, it's automatically homophobia? That's creating a massive logistical black hole wherein you can hide some dark shit.

If questioning people ends at "I'm black/white/brown/Czech/gay" then Occam's Razor here, why wouldn't the sinister roll that out to keep eyes from prying too hard?

This is the same type of methodology used by tyrants to suppress dissent. The Nazi's, communists that controlled the former USSR, communist China, and many other oppressive regimes all had swift, often deadly, responses to people that raised questions that those in control didn't want answered. The LGBT community pulled that straight out of the playbook of some of the worst people in history.

The irony of the LGBT community is that they preach tolerance yet are incredibly intolerant of anything that doesn't show them in anything less than a good light.
Do you really think they're a non-violent bunch??? Fam, domestic violence rates with same sex couples is the same or worse than hetero couples.


Rape between same sex partners is greater for both sexes than with their hetero counterparts.


Plus, all them lil boys raped by priests, all that's gay shit fam.

as for the rest, give me a bit 'cause I'll have to find the studies, but they're out there and there's a good number of them.

Think about this: Grown men that rape young boys are seen as pedophiles only. They're never called out as gay, ever. Them muhfuckas could have raped hundreds of boys but they're never referred to as gay. Jerry Sandusky was never referred to as gay, the Catholic priests... none of 'em.

Why is that???

Its that way because the LGBT community has effectively distanced themselves from gay pedophiles, of which quite a few are among their ranks. Want evidence? Go watch the movie "Milk". Harvey Milk was very well known to fuck young boys, going so far as to having full-blown sexual relationships with some of his victims. The flick doesn't deal with that part of his life at all. That muhfucka got his face on a postage stamp and a day named after him in California. Many of the most well known male gay activists were also NAMBLA supporters. Men like Larry Kramer (who's name adorns Yale's gay studies program), Allen Ginsberg, and Walt Whitman who are revered in gay circles were also heavy supporters of the pedophile rapist organization NAMBLA. Larry Kramer even spoke of how he may have infected a little boy with AIDS after fucking him!

But this shit is suppressed in the media. You can't bring that shit up at all without swift, powerful repercussions from the gay community.

Why this matters is because the LGBT community has very effectively suppressed most of their negative associations they once had and sexual abuse in their pasts is one of the biggest of them. The image of the benevolent gay is the one you see in the media right now. You don't see the child stalking gay man, you don't see the butch girl's gym teacher/coach looking for fresh meat in the locker room (even though there's no shortage of woman being arrested for just that). Even when some shit makes headlines, it's treated as a joke and quickly abandoned (i.e. Brittney Griner's domestic violence case and how widespread DV seems to be in the WNBA and among female pro athletes in general).

The point is the narrative is being controlled by the LGBT community to give them the best possible image. The mere fact that you said "As a group they're a very non violent bunch so I dunno what you're gettin' at there." is evidence enough of how effective they've been.

I never heard any pedo be referred to as gay or straight.
Every female i knew at 15 wouldn't have allowed

Yea, that's why I said that. Im drawing from experience. None of the girls in high school I went to were that docile. Imo that's old as hell to not be able to scream or kick someone in the nuts.

Screaming and kicking dont stip rape when the other person is bigger and beat you to a pulp. Nigga what
That's the jump everybody always makes for not studying it from an abuse perspective: no one rational is saying "ALL gay people were abused is the reason for gayness." We dissect the why of serial killers, murderers, prostitutes, and on and on but like the quote from the woman above points out that logic is ousted when homosexuals are brought up.

On adoption, doing due diligence research into a person's background before letting them adopt is sensible. You can't call me at the bank and start talking about give me bank account information without proving who you are, but we apply that logic to the homosexual community every day. If they're pressed on anything beyond "Gay is great" it's immediately the asking party is homophobic and needs to apologize. You can ask a million black people every day "why do Black people xyz..." or white people "Why do white folks..." or Mexicans and on and on but if you cross examine gay or generally observe something, it's automatically homophobia? That's creating a massive logistical black hole wherein you can hide some dark shit.

If questioning people ends at "I'm black/white/brown/Czech/gay" then Occam's Razor here, why wouldn't the sinister roll that out to keep eyes from prying too hard?

Reason why homosexuals currently arent treated like serial killers and prostitutes is because 2 grown adults being gay aint a crime anymore.
There's absolutely zero hard scientific evidence to support "born this way" and there never has been. The results of the single report that gave us the so-called "gay gene" have never been duplicated even once.
Theres absolutely no hard scientific evidence that molestation creates gay people either.