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DEBATE Where do you draw your line? Men vs. Women

I think you should always help women if you want to be a real man. Whenever you see a woman in need, you should drop everything you are doing to lift, carry, push, or pull her burdens. Believe all women, support all women, and pay all women. They are queens and goddesses who have enough on their plate birthing the future of humanity. The least you can do is do the physical labor. Thank her. Congratulate her. Praise her for being the backbone of civilization.


The best satire is when people don’t recognize it as such
I'll help if you genuinely need it, but if its cuz you're a lazy pos, nah I'm super busy rn and you're gonna have to help yourself.
Fellas, do you have a certain point where you stop "helping" and "serving" and "being nice" to the women around you just for the sake of them being women? Serious question.

Not about simping or being friend zoned at all.

I live with all women and work with mostly women. Im a nice guy and all, and I try to keep chivalry alive out here but


for real, Jack.

Aint no trophies, cookies, pats on the back, keep up the good work, none of the sort.

Any and every time there's some sort of manual labor to be done, no matter how small or menial....its the batty eyed :

"you not gone help me?"

"oh I just cant, can you grab this?"

"im leaving early can you carry something to my car for me?"

An actual example from my office this morning: A man and a woman in different departments need a document from me

**Man: ay you got that sheet?
Me: yeah
Man: cool im on my way

*Woman: hey do you have that sheet?
Me: yeah
Woman: (10 mins goes by)
Woman: I can come get it if you need me to

LOOK BISH!!!! I dont NEED anything thats just the right fucking thing to do when YOU need something. GO GET IT!! but nah lol.....it was absolutely expected that I deliver the shit, and on the days when im not having it, its like "you ok?" "wake up on the wrong side?"

This is every day, all the time.

Fellas, where's your line?

Ladies, why ya'll do this shit?

My response: ...ok

Plain & simple. I'm not offering to bring it. Whether it's a man or woman. If its important to you, then you should be the one to come get it. I got other things to do. And the fact that she felt like she's entitled, or assumed youyou' bringing her stuff when she needs it, would NOT fly wit me.

You know where my desk is at. I'll be here when you come and get it.
I'm kind of a mother hen so I like helping people out, but I can't stand when someone feels entitled to my kindness.

Sidenote...the tags have me over here dying
I think you should always help women if you want to be a real man. Whenever you see a woman in need, you should drop everything you are doing to lift, carry, push, or pull her burdens. Believe all women, support all women, and pay all women. They are queens and goddesses who have enough on their plate birthing the future of humanity. The least you can do is do the physical labor. Thank her. Congratulate her. Praise her for being the backbone of civilization.
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I go through the same shit
Based off these females fuck shit and my unwillingness to participate anymore, three of these hoes decided to stop talking to me at work lol

Couldn't be happier.
Depends on the woman.

I'm absolutely not washing a dish with another woman staying in the house unless theres a dishwasher.