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They did an early screening today at one of our theaters. Pissed I didnt make it. I ended up seeing Us instead which was great but wish I knew beforehand this was showing early I'm gonna check if theres any showings tomorrow. Reviews have been great so far tho.
The fact this is screening early 2 weeks is telling
Is this competing with anything that weekend? Or they anticipating A HUGE dropoff once endgame drops

Dumbo comes out the week before, Pet Sematary remake the same week, and Hellboy the week after

Shazam got 3 weeks to beat CM before Endgame shut shit down

The fact this is screening early 2 weeks is telling
The only thing it's telling that thanos if coming. So they had to get their money in.

May not hit CM numbers but will clearly surpass "expectations"
Hearing its as good as WW AND AM which makes sense cuz I kept telling y'all slow ass niggaz Geoff Johns studio was gonna keep bringing out v great quality movies that would turn the universe around.

And like I said they're currently 3/3

And like I said they let it out early they know they gotta banger so it can get some extra money before endgame.

Movie looks to be a hit in every sense of the word.

But I'll let y'all keep hating.
Plus the reviews and everyone buzzong about it for the next couple of days will make for a big actual release weekend
Love how we'er hating. lol

All this started cuz YOU , 7 months ago, started hating on CM and Marvel saying it was gonna flop. Based on absolutely NOTHING.
It was based on the negative reaction to Bree Lawson being the new face of the MCU which is a real thing.

It was based on the last 10 if mcu having a definitive goal. That was to tie up the Thanos storyline. Which they did, thru an amazing 10 year build up. It was great, but it won't be repeated. And I'm not the only person who feels that way. So that was also a real thing.

And I knew from the very jump that Shazam was gonna be huge. And that I based that on several things I've been pointing out for months, which are real things.

The only thing I was wrong about was CM flopping... And I've admitted that on SEVERAL occasions despite people still being very critical about Lawson.

I can be wrong. But I'm not wrong without reason. And I'm definitely not wrong about shazam.

Shit literally blew the world up of a pre-release, as intended. Got great reviews as intended. Has critics and bloggers saying DC did it again, as intended.

But the ABW the only ones who think pet cemetery and dumbo will be a problem