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Multiple Choice; which shorts are a go!

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How many chicks fucked you last year because you wore polo shorts @Shotta

Sir, I wear it for me. I like the way Ralph shorts are cut and last. I had a similar pair from old navy and it faded faster. Cost effective if you just buying it for that summer.
This the feedback I need

No socks that are below the calf
No jorts above the knee

Not sure if it was a yay or nay on the capris.....
Obviously if you sit down and your shorts slide up, your kneecap are going to show. However, if you standing the fuck up and I can see your damn knee caps. You need to chill sis.
Sir, I wear it for me. I like the way Ralph shorts are cut and last. I had a similar pair from old navy and it faded faster. Cost effective if you just buying it for that summer.
I guess I'm in the camp where I'll take advantage of the cheaper pairs to buy more so I can rotate them often before I get to wearing them repeatedly to the point where they fade or start to unravel