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Nick Cannon: Both R Kelly & Marvin Gaye Had Underaged Girls (Flashback)

They talk about pervs in the industry; how everybody knows about, but the media keeps it quiet.
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Messing with the kids is something I could never look pass

Pedo shit is unforgivable

Fuck both of them
I remember when I read Marvin Gaye’s autobiography; I was so disgusted, I didn’t look at him the same ever again. It took me a long time to get over the horror and to even hear his music. Hugh Hefner was another sick fuck, although he is beloved and largely given a pass. Vlad and Nick talk about him too.
I remember when I read Marvin Gaye’s autobiography; I was so disgusted, I didn’t look at him the same ever again. It took me a long time to get over the horror and to even hear his music. Hugh Hefner was another sick fuck, although he is beloved and largely given a pass. Vlad and Nick talk about him too.
i dont think hugh gets a pass

at least not from me, but i dont know much about it tbh to give an informed opinion
LOL @ Nick Cannon cursing.

Dude got hella tats.

I respect his loyalty.....to a certain extent. If I found out that any of my uncles was molesting their daughters, I'm sure I would fuck with dude after that...plus, I'd have to put paws on that muhfucka.

Respect to his lane, tho.
What Marvin do?


Here's an interesting bit of music trivia — who is Marvin Gaye speaking to in "Let's Get It On"? The answer is Janice Hunter, Gaye's second wife and father to two of his children. They met when Hunter was 17, and according to Hunter's 2015 memoir, After the Dance, Gaye took her out to dinner and bribed the waiter $20 to serve his underage companion apricot sours.

They began an intense sexual relationship, according to Hunter. She quickly learned of Gaye's possessive side.

“I don’t want to share you,” she says he told her. “There are all those strapping young high school football players looking to love on you. They’re my competitors.”


In 1966, Soul legend Marvin Gaye had an affair with his wife’s 15-year-old niece, Denise Gordy. After getting the young girl pregnant, he made his wife pretend the child was her own. That’s pretty bad – but his next marriage to Janis Hunter might even have been worse. Gaye repeatedly beat his wife - once even holding a knife to her neck - and forced her to perform sexual favors for his friends.

Gotdamn I never knew that shit about Marvin either but this celebrity worship is a problem for people. Too many compromise their morals just because they are being entertained. Fuck that. Every pedophile deserves a bullet in the head if you ask me.
I’ve heard some of these things about Marvin before. Still love his music though. Dunno if that’s fucked up or not but...

If we really start getting to the bottom of things we’re gonna find out a lot of people who make/made music we love aren’t really the greatest people in real life. Your decision if you wanna continue to listen to them or not
I’ve heard some of these things about Marvin before. Still love his music though. Dunno if that’s fucked up or not but...

If we really start getting to the bottom of things we’re gonna find out a lot of people who make/made music we love aren’t really the greatest people in real life. Your decision if you wanna continue to listen to them or not

It all depends on what they did

Pedo shit is def one that is not forgivable
A lot of past legends will get exposed this year. I won't be surprise if they attempt to pull up Dr. King's file
What Marvin do?
He ran away to Hawaii and the Netherlands to escape his divorce and child-sharing issues with Janice. He was a sex freak and didn’t Have enough self control not to have sex with groupies, while with his kidnapped son. Read this in his autobiography. If memory serves; he lived on the beach in a hut with Frankie in Hawaii. The boy was very young, maybe four or five. Marvin would constantly give into his sex urges with the various groupies, even with the child present in the hut.
I didn't know Marvin was a POS like that. Damn.

Maybe that's why his Pops felt like he had to take him outta here.

That seems like something one of those old school...."I brought you into this world, I can take you out of this world".....type niggas would do.