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Is there a conceivably reasonable argument for genocide? (Avengers Infinity War SPOILERS)

Is there a conceivably reasonable argument for genocide?

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This thread will contain spoilers for Infinity War. So if you have yet to see it, or you're too broke to take your family to see it, avoid reading. Otherwise, proceed with caution.
So Thanos' reason for killing half the population of every population in the universe was that there are a finite amount of resources that cannot sustain an ever increasing population. Less people, more to go around.

Was he right overall? Was he right, but wrong to turn to genocide? Or completely evil and unjustifiable?
I'm saying, real life application.

Killing just to please a woman is trash. But doing it altruistically is an interesting concept.
I don't think it's about right or wrong. All you need to do is convince people and yourself that you have the answers, the rest is the action you're willing to put in. There are plenty of people who talk that murder shit but nobody pays attention til you execute it. It's usually afterwards where they try and piece together your story and reasons. Action is the defining factor, I can say I'm gonna kill you all day but it doesn't get real til I either do it or attempt. Defining factor of the movie imo was that he was willing to sacrifice everything for his cause and they weren't. Most people(my self included) dont have it in them to just remove somebody's existence. That smile at the end was all the justification he needed
It's wrong.

It comes down to how do you decide who gets to live and die and when you get technical, that type of ideology tends to lean towards eradicating those in society who are less fortunate or considered minorities. If it's random it's down right wack and can cause huuuge imbalances in society. Imagine if the head of government died at a crucial time like during the great depression or world war 2 ? Things would have changed for the worst. I see where Thanos is coming from but it's not right that's why he's a villain. It's kind of like Killmonger, he had a good idea to let Wakanda open its resources to the world but wanting to wage a race war, choking out women, destroying elements of a country's history is not the way to go about it.

Thanos is a supervillain, he has a villainous idea that's super in nature. A regular villain wants something simple but a super villain is a villain with a podium to speak on.
Always thought that was because super implies powers or supernatural ability. Kind of like a fireman can be a hero but Superman is a superhero due to powers
What Thanos did was not genocide. Genocide is when you target a specific group and try to destroy that entire group. I also think he has a point. I'm not saying it was the best or the only way, but there is sound logic to it. Hell, if you look at the forecasts for this planet, you could make a good argument that something like might be the best for us. Some estimates say that we have less than a hundred years before we've screwed ourselves beyond repair.
What Thanos did was not genocide. Genocide is when you target a specific group and try to destroy that entire group. I also think he has a point. I'm not saying it was the best or the only way, but there is sound logic to it. Hell, if you look at the forecasts for this planet, you could make a good argument that something like might be the best for us. Some estimates say that we have less than a hundred years before we've screwed ourselves beyond repair.

  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
    synonyms: mass murder, mass homicide, massacre;
What Thanos did was not genocide. Genocide is when you target a specific group and try to destroy that entire group. I also think he has a point. I'm not saying it was the best or the only way, but there is sound logic to it. Hell, if you look at the forecasts for this planet, you could make a good argument that something like might be the best for us. Some estimates say that we have less than a hundred years before we've screwed ourselves beyond repair.

I guess you missed the part where he wiped out Gamora's peoples when she was a child huh?
I guess you missed the part where he wiped out Gamora's peoples when she was a child huh?

Half of them survived. In that scene if you look to the right, there are an equal amount of people that survived still standing.

But far as this thread goes, like I said in the movie thread, Thanos had a sick desire to kill. He was completely wrong in killing those people once he got the gems. With that amount of power all he had to do was increase the amount of resources, he could of even made all the resources infinite. He had the power for an alternative that did not involve killing, but chose to kill anyway. Leaving the remaining populations to breed and eventually present the same problem all over again in time. He was not justified, he was a Mad Titan.
Half of them survived. In that scene if you look to the right, there are an equal amount of people that survived still standing.

But far as this thread goes, like I said in the movie thread, Thanos had a sick desire to kill. He was completely wrong in killing those people once he got the gems. With that amount of power all he had to do was increase the amount of resources, he could of even made all the resources infinite. He had the power for an alternative that did not involve killing, but chose to kill anyway. Leaving the remaining populations to breed and eventually present the same problem all over again in time. He was not justified, he was a Mad Titan.

We really don't know that he could have made more resources. We know what the time stone does. The reality stone alters one's perception of reality. The mind stone is mind control. Power, soul, and space stones still vague in what they do, I don't think Thanos has the ability to create things out of nothing.

Besides that, he had already theorized genocide to be the best solution while everyone else's solutions failed and his entire race died. He's basically Superman's father on Krypton, but survives and says "my people didn't listen to me, now the entire universe will."
Interesting concept. In battle triage the have been known to let certain people die because they are more likely to save others. If you expand on that and ancient societies were known to kill babies that were feeble you are heading in that direction. If I society knows that it can’t feed a certain number of people or a world can’t sustain a certain number than for the greater good it may have to make that decision. But what if in his half and it was random Thanos was one that was killed(we know they are not really dead). Would he have been so willing if his existence wasn’t guaranteed. That would have been a true sacrifice.
We really don't know that he could have made more resources. We know what the time stone does. The reality stone alters one's perception of reality. The mind stone is mind control. Power, soul, and space stones still vague in what they do, I don't think Thanos has the ability to create things out of nothing.

Besides that, he had already theorized genocide to be the best solution while everyone else's solutions failed and his entire race died. He's basically Superman's father on Krypton, but survives and says "my people didn't listen to me, now the entire universe will."

Marvel been defined the gems and what they can do, so it's no mystery. The reality stone changes reality to whatever the user wishes, the same power Scarlet Witch has and devastates Marvel with in later years. With that and the power stone to boot, it's definitely possible. Anything is possible.

Now Thano's solution might have made more sense when he didn't have the gauntlet, but once he got it? Nah, all the murder was unnecessary then. Well, Gamora would've still needed to be sacrificed to the soul gem.
Marvel been defined the gems and what they can do, so it's no mystery. The reality stone changes reality to whatever the user wishes, the same power Scarlet Witch has and devastates Marvel with in later years. With that and the power stone to boot, it's definitely possible. Anything is possible.

Now Thano's solution might have made more sense when he didn't have the gauntlet, but once he got it? Nah, all the murder was unnecessary then. Well, Gamora would've still needed to be sacrificed to the soul gem.

What does the soul stone do?
I know we need to get rid of these cacs b4 they destroy this place tho