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The funniest moments of the MCU


The one between three and three.
I've watched almost all of the MCU flicks and we all know they have their share of comedy in 'em. All I'm missing at this point is Guardians 2, Ant Man (I've seen the 2nd half of it, just gotta catch it from the beginning), and Black Panther.

Last night I finally got around to Doctor Strange and Thor Ragnarok. Ragnarok has, IMO, the two funniest moments in ALL of the MCU and both involve The Hulk.

First up:

^^^ This shit right here is funny as fuck on two levels: One, 'cause he jumps off the ship to turn into The Hulk only to fall and bounce off the bridge in front of The Fenris Wolf, broken up like Beetle Bailey after a fight with Sarge and then having the wolf stop like "nigga...", sniff him and nudge him a bit with it's nose before continuing it's charge towards Asgard. That scene caused real tears 'cause it was on some Tom and Jerry/Bugs Bunny-type shit but; Two, because it's a clear parody of the scene in The Incredible Hulk where Ed Norton's Bruce Banner jumps out of a helicopter in order to trigger his change into The Hulk. Ed Norton's Banner made a crater in the pavement when he landed whereas Ruffalo's Banner bounced a few times and laid there smashed up.


I let loose the waterworks, nose ran, and my jaw and chest hurt from laughing so damned hard at this scene. I think I watched this one scene maybe a dozen times in a row before finishing the movie. The ridiculousness of Hulk staggering to his feet then jumping to attack Surtur, the slow motion shits, and his little ass beating on him like a fly buzzing you at a picnic was pure comedic genius. IMO, there's nothing funnier in all of the MCU than this scene.

What say y'all: What's are your favorite funny moments from the MCU.
I see think a l9t of the funny moments belong to Thor, Drax, and Widow with her side comments and facial expressions
A lot of times I feel the humor is overdone in marvel movies bUT there are definitely moments where it works.

The whole "he's adopted" bit from thor In first avengers killed me.

Also in civil war when cap makes out with that chick related to sharon carter, then the camera goes to bucky and falcon and they're just quietly smirking was pretty funny.

The cosmic movies like guardians and ragnarok definitely have the best humor imo.
vision picking up thor’s hammer and handing it to him



hela cutting out thor’s eye and saying “now you remind me of dad” had me weak
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Definitely Banner falling on the bridge in Ragnorok...

When Hulk slams around Thor like he did Loki in the first avengers and Loki gets all hype talking bout "YES! That's how it feels!" that shit had me rollin

In thor ragnarok when hulk throws the chair or w/e at valkyrie and Yells "STAY!".......please

Or when that trick yelled, "BABY ARMS!!" at Thor as he was trying to leave. Then Thor gets shocked and Hulk yells, "AGAIN!!"
moment that made me laugh in the theater
gotg2- drax childish sexual innuendos and "my nipples!"
civil war- falcon getting his coon on and hating on black panther "who dresses up like a cat?
stan lee cameo as mailman- "package for tony stank." lmao
spidermans "holy shit!" when ant man became giant man
Spider-Man homecoming: "penis parker" flash thompsons dj with that airhorn while chanting penis parker at the party
the prom scene when ned got caught in the computer lab by the principle "I was watching porn"
thor ragnarok- the asgard scene with that cheesy play depicting lokis death they had a chorus and everything and when the thor actor let out that cheesy "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" when loki died. when hulk reverted to banner and he started freaking out.

now during age of ultron I was laughing at most of the jokes inside my head the only time I bust out laughing was when starlord called thanos grimace.
I forgot to mention those space pirates bullying baby groot and pouring liquor on him
and avengers when hulk ragdolled loki all over the place
"I am a god you dull creature......!" that shit had me giggling hard like a kid.
ultron 's sarcasm was humorous also.
*hulk jumps on quinjet *
ultron: "oh for gods sake"
Drax watching Starlord and Gamora kiss.

Starlord: How long have you been there?
Drax: An hour.

Then he goes on this arrogant rant about how still he can be so as to not be seen. Mantis then sees him and he's like "Damn it!"
Also GOTG2 when Drax kept calling Mantis hideous. She comes to see him that night and he gags imagining himself having sex with her.