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Breaking News Gavin Newsom's reparations committee will recommend handing out $223,200 per person to all descendants of slaves in California


Gavin Newsom's reparations committee will recommend handing out $223,200 per person to all descendants of slaves in California for 'housing discrimination' at a cost of $559BN - in nation's biggest restitution effort ever

A reparations committee in California has suggested that descendants of slaves in the state could be compensated $223,200 each for 'housing discrimination'.

The nine-member Reparations Task Force was formed by California Governor Gavin Newsom as part of the country's largest ever effort to address reparations for slavery.

A focus of the California task force has been 'housing discrimination' - it has been estimated that it would cost around $569billion to compensate the 2.5 million Black Californians for setbacks between 1933 and 1977, according to the New York Times.

That is more than California's $512.8billion expenditure in 2021 - which included funding for schools, hospitals, universities, highways, policing and corrections.

However, discussions are still underway, and the panel is continuing to consider how payments should be made - some suggested tuition and housing grants while others proposed cash.

The task force has also identified four other causes for reparations: Mass incarceration, unjust property seizures, devaluation of Black businesses and health care.

It has until June 2023 to submit its final recommendations to the Legislature.

Their estimations came after the task force hosted meetings across the state to meet with members of Black communities to better understand the economic impact of slavery.

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation in 2020 launching the largest slavery reparations program in the country's history

We are looking at reparations on a scale that is the largest since Reconstruction,' task force member Jovan Scott Lewis, a professor at Berkeley, told the Times.

One example of housing discrimination the task force has considered is Russell City, a city that once existed near the San Francisco shoreline and provided refuge to Black families fleeing violence in the Deep South.

The task force was told by people that lived in Russell City, which has since been bulldozed, that the area was replaced with an industrial park and residents were expelled.

One former resident, Monique Henderson-Ford, told the Times she was paid out $2,200 for her home - less than a third of what she bought it for.

'Imagine if the houses were still here,' she said. 'We would all be sitting on a fortune.'

The median wealth of Black households in the US is $24,100, compared with $188,200 for white households, according to the most recent Federal Reserve Board Survey of Consumer Finances, the Times reported.

  • A task force was set up in California to make proposals for slavery reparations
  • Descendants of slaves in California could receive $223,200 each, it speculated
  • That would total $569billion - more than the entire state expenditure in 2021
  • Nearly 6.5% of California residents - 2.5M - identify as Black or African American
  • A focus of the task force has involved reimbursing for 'housing discrimination'
  • The task force was formed due to a bill signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2020
Asheville, North Carolina did something similar but I think the California Committee is missing the point and being shortsightedin their approach but it's way better than what North Carolina did. Which was just like grants and opportunity zones shit for Black neighborhoods not but no consideration for direct cash payments to Black people.

They better do direct cash payments or the entire movement will fail.

They also need to focus more on slavery and the wealth gap, not all these other things to make it a broader conversation.

Lol, and it's important to note that Gavin Newsom is a White man, doing more directly and only explicitly for descendants of slaves than any Black politician ever did in the last 60 years lol.

Your "Black" president with a Black wife and children descended from slaves while he himself is not and was raised and supported by well off White people said it was unfair to immigrants to give Black Americans reparations for slavery.

But a White man cutting the check no problem. Standing against all criticism.

Gavin Newsom might end up being on future Black Californian grandparents wall next to Malcom X, Jesus, Nipsey Hussle and MLk.

Shame. Gotta know who your allies are.

Gavin Newsom runs for president, he got my vote.
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Good intentions, but it's just a recommendation.

Political posturing more than anything else.

He knows it's not gonna happen, but if black people see that he was willing to fight for reparations.............he'll get almost all the black vote if he decides to run for president.

Problem is, he might lose a lot of white voters in the process.

But yeah, it's better than anything any other state has thought about doing.
Good intentions, but it's just a recommendation.

Political posturing more than anything else.

He knows it's not gonna happen, but if black people see that he was willing to help them get reparations.............he'll get almost all the black vote if he decides to run for president.

Problem is, he might lose a lot of white voters in the process.

But yeah, it's better than anything any other state has thought about doing.

Gavin Newsom clearly doing this to run for President but that's what we want. We want politicians to do shit to get our vote, not tell us to vote for them and propose nothin that will significantly reduced the intrinsic disadvantages being descendants of slaves.

The committee has been around for years but it was a lot of drama.

Fucking weird ass Pan-Africanists on the committee acting dumb, like we don't know the difference between someone that came here in the 80s vs. someone that been here since 1980.

Like we don't know what an native born Black American descended from chattel slavery when in Dr. Sandy Darrity, an world renown expert on racial wealth disparities in the US gave us clear guidelines it's having 4 Black grandparents that descend from slavery and consistently identifying as Black on the census through out your life.

People really tried to sabotage the shit from the beginning and thank all the gods that the stupid Pan-Africanists failed.

Then they had some dark money group funding panelists to propose dumb shit that had to be addressed. Money to do research ending up missing. Accusations. Basically COINTELPRO shit.

And they live stream their meetings, it's transparent as fuck.

Lol that panel been through a lot that, but the ones that care about getting reparations to native-born Black Americans been holding it down this far and got some significant wins.
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