I'm Not Crying but.....

What did I say that was a lie?

Did you off handedly say fuck her in the thread in question, yes or no?

Have you ever apologized for some shit YOU kicked off?
How you conveniently left off me getting bothered with first most of the time but we both know why you never mention that. Have I been getting called slut out the blue by multiple mods, go ahead and lie and say I haven't. When has saying fuck you been a bannable offense cause if it is I got a dozen complaints
Why he gotta be all that? Yall been getting at AP for months and he was asked for an explanation. Whether you like the explanation or not he still gave his
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Thank you

Niggas want you to explain but only when it's some shit they are in agreement with
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How you conveniently left off me getting bothered with first most of the time but we both know why you never mention that. Have I been getting called slut out the blue by multiple mods, go ahead and lie and say I haven't. When has saying fuck you been a bannable offense cause if it is I got a dozen complaints
I'm talking about the latest situation.

You said fuck her, she called you a slut. You've called her bimbo, broad and a host of other things. You're not innocent in this no matter how you try to present it
For some much needed context, Goldie "banned" him as a joke and even admitted it. He was trying to poke the fish tank and he succeeded.

Why y'all never tell the whole story?
No he didn't, Goldie was pissed, stop trying to rewrite history
No, y'all thought he was pissed cause that's what he wanted y'all to think. Goldie was laughing his ass off
Nobody believes that, we know what we read in both threads about the situation

@shutupGabi you've moved up to top two mod, no reason for me to interact with clowns moving forward
So can we out Rev. Ale alias now since he gone?

I tried to look a while ago but i ain't got that kinda security clearance

For the record I don't think @Rainbowdildobuttmonkey was ever banned. He could log in right now and say I apologize for calling someone a pedo and get his name changed back. He is choosing not to do that.

I'm not sure why people feel the need to rally around that particular cause other than they have unrelated personal issues with the mods.
Nah, cause it was no issue when niggas changed my name to that same word they banned him for calling somebody.
ain’t no way I’m reading that JohnSmith inspired post
Court for what?

Since you wanna play dumb

Elzo, not as bad as deadeye but you have your moments where I generally don't know if you're just poking the wasp nest or you are serious. I actually wanna applaud you cause you've blurred the lines so good that I can't tell. Would you have been banned a long time ago? Probably not, but you have this thing where you like to victim hop from one cause to the next and attach your name to it all in the name of "consistency". You a victim chaser. Somebody say they're "mad" Elzo not too far behind. Somebody claim they aren't being treated fairly? Elzo popping up like a pregnancy scare. It's ok sometimes to just sit back and let niggas take their licks and not speak on some shit you really couldn't care less about. I don't need a rule to tell you to stop trying to fight everyone else's battles.