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OPINION Does “Acting professional” automatically equal code switching?

Y’all confusing being professional and code switching.

The thread title asked about code switching so this discussion is about speaking professionally

That’s why the Kobe/Shaq comparison don’t really fit

Do you think speaking professionally comes from whiteness?
The reason most profession’s urge their employees to speak without slang terms is to avoid confusion. Certain areas use certain words and phrases different. Makes a lot of sense to me why slang isn’t allowed.

Nobody should ever have to change the tone or inflection in their voice at most professions. I can understand some professions you might need to be more calm than others though. Lol.

most rules are set forth because something happened in the past to make companies put them in place. They are most of the time trying to save themselves from future law suites. Lmao
yet these companies use rap and slang in their promotional videos and twitter post but want Black folks to “white” it up at work foh

The ironies of American bullshit are amazing aren't they?

It's always funny to see white people turn up their nose at black slang and mannerisms when it's just us doing it, but then see those same white people using that slang and those mannerisms in the professional setting after it crosses over. It's ridiculous.
The ironies of American bullshit are amazing aren't they?

It's always funny to see white people turn up their nose at black slang and mannerisms when it's just us doing it, but then see those same white people using that slang and those mannerisms in the professional setting after it crosses over. It's ridiculous.

spot on!
The ironies of American bullshit are amazing aren't they?

It's always funny to see white people turn up their nose at black slang and mannerisms when it's just us doing it, but then see those same white people using that slang and those mannerisms in the professional setting after it crosses over. It's ridiculous.
Now U see why Benzino hates Eminem
Great perspective...

I will say this...IMO as Americans...speaking “Standard American English” is not code switching to me...

its more of the tone...changing the sound and pitch of your voice from how you would normally speak.

muting certain things about yourself that is inherent to your blackness...and I know its different for every individual

Facts. It ain’t what we saying or how it’s the tone of voice. That’s why I feel like a person can sound white and not just because they speak proper English. It’s hard to explain
The thread title asked about code switching so this discussion is about speaking professionally

That’s why the Kobe/Shaq comparison don’t really fit

Do you think speaking professionally comes from whiteness?

People confuse code switching with being professional. Code switching is simply knowing how to speak to your audience. You wouldn't talk to your parents the same way you talk to your friends. You wouldn't talk to your kids the same way you talk to your spouse. That's all code switching people do on a daily basis. Inherently it's not wrong. Now when you're doing it so you're not seen as "one of those negroes" then you're gonna get a bad reaction from people who can peep game
I look at it like this, we all have different roles to play in our lives. Some roles have role conflict and some roles have role strain but all roles are necessary for a successful and functional adult. Take me for instance, at Times I’m a self absorbed grease fire. With my children, I’m a loving a responsible adult. We cant be one way all the time. For whatever you are doing, the role you play is pertinent to your success in that role. If you have to be “professional” and it leads to success. As long as the role strain don’t conflict with your center moral ground. And you feel ok with how you play it. What anyone else calls it, is their own insecurity and inability to play that same role. Which is why you’ll more than likely find yourself more successful then them. Like 50 said, y’all be the hardest, we’ll be the smartest
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You're on your job, you follow code of conduct, dress appropriately according to the job, you know your job's jargon and how tos, voice level appropriate according to the surrounding= Being professional

No slang, lowered voice level without natural tone, overly considerate of white coworkers, a near persona change= Code switching
  • Haha
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I have formal speech and informal speech then I have "man dem" London speech which would be how I talk to my friends and strangers I assume are from where I'm from
There's a study that showed that people in general have three different talk/voice patterns when they communicate. One for fam, one for work and one for friends. If u think a lil deeper about it we're all kinda schizo
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I was at a lunch one time when I first got into leadership at work. It was 3 senior managers, my sup and me who was his lead.

So at the lunch, dude was basically the head of everyone there, he was from Alabama and got off on self depreciating humor about being from Bama. He would call the way he talked “redneckoneeze”.

Now cause he felt he made fun of himself he felt that you can make fun of him and vice versa. So every now and then he would crack a joke at my sup who was Rican. And my sup would be self depreciating about being Rican.

That’s his comfort level, and you know what. I didn’t look at dude crazy cause I understand how this white guy feels like his identity is the same level as how the Rican dude feels about his identity. But it’s obviously deeper than that, but I get how he thinks he’s not offending anyone.

my sup played the game, me, at that age..when the round table comes my way. I don’t give a fuck who you are or what you do. Ain’t no Jamal jokes, ghetto jokes, black jokes, I ain’t here for that bullshit.

same time, them not feeling comfortable to speak relaxed without fear of offending. Kept them from inviting me to lunch’s and hindered my success.

draw a line and don’t cross it, but there’s nothing white about being professional