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100-mph Tesla Model 3 crash sent hundreds of scorching battery cells flying, started a fire in a house, and took 3 hours to clean up


Unverified Legion of Trill member
  • A Tesla Model 3 crashed on Tuesday in Corvallis, Oregon, flinging hot battery cells far from the crash site.
  • Two cells broke through nearby windows — one landed in someone's lap, while the other landed on a bed and caught the sheets on fire, the police said.
  • The Corvallis Police Department said the driver was going over 100 mph and sustained only minor injuries.

Tesla has caught heat in the past for its battery packs bursting into flames, but a crash on Tuesday in Corvallis, Oregon, suggests that the electric vehicles might pose a fire hazard not just to themselves but to the surrounding environment.

In an incident spotted by The Drive, a speeding Model 3 hit a power pole, shearing the pole at its base and hurling bits of the car far from the crash site, the Corvallis Police Department said in a statement on Facebook. The Model 3 was obliterated, and its battery pack was destroyed, flinging burning-hot battery cells around the neighborhood.

Battery cells broke through two windows of two homes -- one landed on a person's lap, while the other landed on a bed and caught the sheets on fire, the police said.

tesla model 3 battery cell

The crash launched hundreds of hot battery cells. City of Corvallis Police Department
"A tire was ripped from the car during the collision and struck the second story siding of a nearby apartment complex with such force that it ruptured the water pipes within the wall, destroying the bathroom to the apartment and flooding the downstairs portion of the apartment as well," the police said.

The police said the driver was going over 100 mph when he lost control of the vehicle, plowing into the power pole, two trees, and a telephone junction box. The driver fled on foot but was found nearby and transported to the hospital with minor injuries. The police charged him with a DUI, hit and run, criminal mischief, reckless driving, and reckless endangering.

The police said authorities tried to collect as many of the battery cells as they could, spending roughly three hours investigating and cleaning up. But on Wednesday the department told residents to be on the lookout for "potentially hazardous batteries" that could stay hot for up to 24 hours and emit toxic fumes and chemicals.

Tesla battery cells

The police told residents to watch out for battery cells they might have left behind. City of Corvallis Police Department
Batteries overheating is always a problem when it comes to EVs, and it's more likely to occur when the cells leave their protective pack and cooling system.

Studies have found that EVs are no more likely to catch fire than combustion-engine cars and that they might actually be statistically safer.

That the driver sustained only minor injuries may be a testament to the Model 3's passenger safety, but an EV spewing burning batteries into the environment and through windows may not be a good sign for those outside the car.

Tesla did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
im not sure you understand fully what happened.

lol There is nothing much to understand. Someone wrecked an electric car going very fast, and power cells were basically thrown out of the car like hot shrapnel causing fires and damage to homes in the area. I'm saying that depending how the accident happens, a normal car can cause damage to the area around it when going 100 mph too.

My point is that a 100 mph accident is bad news and not necessarily something to knock electric cars over. I don't really care about Tesla mind you, but Teslas might not be the only cars susceptible to something like this.
What fucking part of a gotdamn combustible engine burns and emits noxious gases for over 24 hours?

Do me a favor Monk.

Take an 18650, stick it in the pocket with your keys in it, wait 45 seconds then report your findings.

We'll go from there.
What fucking part of a gotdamn combustible engine burns and emits noxious gases for over 24 hours?

Do me a favor Monk.

Take an 18650, stick it in the pocket with your keys in it, wait 45 seconds then report your findings.

We'll go from there.

What exactly is your point?

It has nothing to do with what I was saying.
Then perhaps you do not know what you are speaking about.

Since you think batteries are so safe grab a li-on and jangle that mfer in your pocket for a lil bit.

Then grab a spark plug and do the same thing.

Lemme know which is safer.

Show me the exact part of my post where I said these fuel cells aren't dangerous under these conditions or that traditional car components are just as dangerous as hot fuel cells.
Show me the exact part of my post where I said these fuel cells aren't dangerous under these conditions or that traditional car components are just as dangerous as hot fuel cells.

You can just admit you misspoke in an area/field where you are no where near a subject matter expert.

Your Post aint that far up all the pantamiming and shit is unnecessary.

You can just admit you misspoke in an area/field where you are no where near a subject matter expert.

Your Post aint that far up all the pantamiming and shit is unnecessary.

So I didn't say any of that? Cool. Good talk.

Now excuse me while I go back to barely knowing you exist until the next time you post in a thread for no other reason than to bitch about something I said.
So I didn't say any of that? Cool. Good talk.

Now excuse me while I go back to barely knowing you exist until the next time you post in a thread for no other reason than to bitch about something I said.

What they saying is you post is misunderstanding the bigger point. I sense you know this already and may just want argue with niggas anyway tho.

What they saying is you post is misunderstanding the bigger point. I sense you know this already and may just want argue with niggas anyway tho.


That's not true bruh. I know ya'll think I be arguing just to argue, but that's not what I'm doing. He's arguing against points I never made. My point was the real issue here was the speed and not necessarily the danger posed by the components. If he wanted to address that point, then cool. But he doesn't because literally the only interaction he and I ever have is him bitching about some shit that I said in a discussion with someone else.
What they saying is you post is misunderstanding the bigger point. I sense you know this already and may just want argue with niggas anyway tho.



Nigga know exactly what the issue is but wanna act like it's time to discuss a new drop off and pick up location with a baby mama.

Monk got his dancing shoes from the Hammerman cartoon.
That's not true bruh. I know ya'll think I be arguing just to argue, but that's not what I'm doing. He's arguing against points I never made. My point was the real issue here was the speed and not necessarily the danger posed by the components. If he wanted to address that point, then cool. But he doesn't because literally the only interaction he and I ever have is him bitching about some shit that I said in a discussion with someone else.

I bitch about the walls of text that you constantly post.
Very rarely do we ever discuss the contents of your posts.

I believe the word "dissertations and MLA Format" have been thrown at you a couple 24 times.
That's not true bruh. I know ya'll think I be arguing just to argue, but that's not what I'm doing. He's arguing against points I never made. My point was the real issue here was the speed and not necessarily the danger posed by the components. If he wanted to address that point, then cool. But he doesn't because literally the only interaction he and I ever have is him bitching about some shit that I said in a discussion with someone else.

Lol. I'm not doing this with you.

I bitch about the walls of text that you constantly post.
Very rarely do we ever discuss the contents of your posts.

I believe the word "dissertations and MLA Format" have been thrown at you a couple 24 times.

Walls of text that are never directed at you and never concern you. This little routine of yours is not going to ever result in me giving a fuck what you think about my posting style. The site has an ignore feature. Do yourself a favor. Use it or STFU.