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i will date somebody for months on end and never fuck. i know its bad but i like them for other things even tho im not sexually attracted

Then that's their fault
Don't know what in the erykah badu bullshit is that

Let a chick call me an x after we ain't een smash


You''re not being realistic here lol

At least set the expectation now.

And if you're opposed to doing it before you playing

idk man. like you already know me,

you already know im not fucking, i made it clear when i had a room at this hotel and you wanted to spend the night that one time.

like weve hung out a lot

why would you even think things are different now???
lmaoooooo why would you invite me if you never hit?!?! wouldnt you invite someone you know for sure gon let you fuck?

Nigga either really really likes you or he's just an incel not getting play from anywhere and you were just the first to say yes or the one he hedged his bets on.

You should carry a weapon or mase just incase. Be safe.
idk man. like you already know me,

you already know im not fucking, i made it clear when i had a room at this hotel and you wanted to spend the night that one time.

like weve hung out a lot

why would you even think things are different now???

Dont ever assume we know how you think unless you made it clear. This is one of those times lol
Nigga either really really likes you or he's just an incel not getting play from anywhere and you were just the first to say yes or the one he hedged his bets on.

You should carry a weapon or mase just incase. Be safe.

nigga really likes me. this i know. wants to get married have kids blah blah blah

but he does things i dont like. like we went to this nice hookah bar one time and he wore a shirt with some cartoon characters on it and it was baggy at the neckline

likeeeeeee we dont look good as a unit.

i got on heels and you got on some offbrand jeans and a loose ass tshirt

i knew then he wasnt the one
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