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I gotta crush on you (90's edition)


Max from Living Single

The Fields Sisters

Leah Remini. Had a crush on her since those episodes of Saved By The Bell.
lol @ leon... that nigga was always hilarious in movies.....

i think it's even funnier that chicks actually found dude attractive, cuz this nigga was hilariously extra...

i think i would be that extra if i was super sexy...in fact i know i would be
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There's these guys one still hot... The other so not....

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Then there's these two... I'm sure you can see why.


But THIS ONE... This lil scene right here spawned my first masturbatory fantasy....
How... Just how.... I mean with Kelly RIGHT THERE.... Peggy... Really? Lol
Got a thing for other women with an attitude...Kelly's character was a young and dumb blonde. I take higher stock in personality than looks, in that..the more I like ur personality the better I think u look.

:mybad:I know it's strange to not be superficial