Definitely looking at this ,the actress playing AOC sounds just like her at 1:07
Corny but mildly humorous so far in ep 1 but it maybe gets better

a little sad to see Fred Willard in this
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Currently watching it. This shyt is kinda funny.

Lol @ your wife being in prison for 40yrs and NOT wanting an open relationship.
It's pretty consistent in the humor as it goes along... didn't get much funnier to me.

It's something to watch... I chuckled a few times. Nothing really memorable about it tho

Pretty much my sentiments about the show..

Wasn't as funny as it could've been with the actors they had in the show. It had a few lines I chuckled about in each episode but that's it.
This show pretty funny. Wasn’t expecting it to be that good but it’s pretty spot on with the government/military satire.
Half way thru season and think might give up

Not that good

Ep 2 with Chimp and puppy was great tho. Def the highlight episode