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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

my common damn sense says temperature testing is largely bullshit... but read for yourself

They started doing this shit at my job a few weeks ago. Soon as you come through the door, they ask you 4 questions related to fever. You answer all 'No' then they take your temperature. It's annoying as fuck and some people are asymptomatic. However, like 2 or 3 people caught it so...
I mean...it's called a STIMULUS payment for a reason. Literally the only point of stimulus payments from the government is to give people money to go out and spend during these hard times, so they we can all stimulate the economy. This shit is really a bailout for the COMMERCE of the USA, not the people of the USA.

Also, some of us have jobs that we aren't in danger of losing, regularly save our money anyway and are doing pretty ok financially. So we go spend out stimulus payment on shit we definitely don't NEED.

Alonzo Mourning clip.gif
And I had heard CA was being “strict”. I see cops pass up large groups out here all the time. The liquor store stays a main hangout spot and cops do nothing.

Can't really blame them.

They get too close, they could catch it themselves and/or bring it home to their families.
Unc I hate to go off on a tangent but I'm at a point where now I dont say anything unless someone is paying me for it. This the only place I even talk about investments outside of work and my close friends. Tired of bum ass niggas, and lazy niggas who complain but dont want to help their situation.

trust me i get it.

but i am sure i speak for alot of people in the investment threads when I say thank you for all the advice you given over time.

you made us alot of money.

i just find it crazy with all the free advice on this site....its still looked over.
I hate that nationalism.... is "chicken soup" for the soul for many people

Whether its the Blue angels flying over head
Singing God Bless America

thats the worst type of performative garbage because its dangerous and disarming

The potential tickertape parade is stupid

No one wants to be a hero many are doing heroic work and i salute them for that

there is some value in morale but... these people need to be protected, compensated, more than they need a touching commercial ,empty praise and a heroes welcome. they need the goods.

I dont believe in distractions persay(Meaning i see throught the bs) but i believe that people are easily distracted by show...

Also black people/minorities need to know they only view you as consumers/ and servants thats it damn your humanity but sadly most people are party to it.