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What people mad about today?

meh, I dated a cop once. She had my back when one of her colleagues decided it was cool to sock me in the jaw a coupla times while I was in handcuffs. Ran up on him in uniform at his precinct and clocked him with her pistol, told him why, then walked off.
Not a feminist
never dated a white boy, went on one date with a guy that was white when i was very young

“my friend” was a co worker I did activist work with

but here you are foaming at the mouth over a cop.


Race be like

There’s so many other videos of the complete opposite that get posted the same week, same month im not gonna waste my time looking for em.
You find em with that hard ass head of yours.

HELL I got a story for you. Me and my bro was riding to the daq shop on my birthday.
I was too high to drive so he drove my car for me. We was in the deep south.
On our way back we get pulled over. We didn’t smoke in the car but if I could smell the weed I know they could smell it.
We were underaged too.
Cops let us go free, no jail, no searching the car, no nothing, just drive safe and don’t swerve on the roads like that.
If cops were all bad, why didn’t the 4 of them that was out there arrest us right then???

Everything in this world is 50/50 in terms of good and bad but you don’t have the mental capacity to recognize and understand that.

I’ve never been in a situation like Philando and the other unfortunate people that ended up in a situation with a cop with no moral compass. Wouldn’t wish that on anybody.

Nobody trying to hear that shit fam. Not anybody black anyway.
Womp womp. Bottom line, you have several ties to white people

You called someone who has ZERO ties to white people a coon

That makes you hypocrite. You're a hypocrite with accountability issues

where do you work?:really?:

what organizations are u apart of?
so what is it that u do?
ive asked several times and you skrrted the question
Im not giving you info you plan to use against me FOOL, like how you gleefully posted your buddy Becky lol

Just know that im a self sufficient black man. You should admire that