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What about black on black crime?

this thread will be interesting and im here to fight.

let see who keeps it buck without mentioning something i already said but niggas just didnt like the way i said it.

on the internet no less.
Black on Black crime is usually always addressed.
Black criminals that commit crimes are usually punished, often excessively.
The exception usually being if the black culprit is a confidential informant.
It's a problem, but not a problem that isn't being resolved.

But bringing up black crime when the subject is clearly about something else should be called for it is, a deflection tactic.
Something people do to change the subject and direct attention away from whatever the discussion was initially about.
A tactic often used to take the focus off discussions about the crimes white people commit.
All while white crimes against blacks are not being properly addressed or resolved.
So when black on black crime is brought up to deflect from white crime, you will always be considered a coon. And rightfully so.
Black on Black crime is usually always addressed.
Black criminals that commit crimes are usually punished, often excessively.
The exception usually being if the black culprit is a confidential informant.
It's a problem, but not a problem that isn't being resolved.

But bringing up black crime when the subject is clearly about something else should be called for it is, a deflection tactic.
Something people do to change the subject and direct attention away from whatever the discussion was initially about.
A tactic often used to take the focus off discussions about the crimes white people commit.
All while white crimes against blacks are not being properly addressed or resolved.
So when black on black crime is brought up to deflect from white crime, you will always be considered a coon. And rightfully so.
we not deflecting at this moment and would like to have a talk amongst ourselves.
Black on Black crime is usually always addressed.
Black criminals that commit crimes are usually punished, often excessively.
The exception usually being if the black culprit is a confidential informant.
It's a problem, but not a problem that isn't being resolved.

But bringing up black crime when the subject is clearly about something else should be called for it is, a deflection tactic.
Something people do to change the subject and direct attention away from whatever the discussion was initially about.
A tactic often used to take the focus off discussions about the crimes white people commit.
All while white crimes against blacks are not being properly addressed or resolved.
So when black on black crime is brought up to deflect from white crime, you will always be considered a coon. And rightfully so.
Close thread.

Niggaz bring it up in the same vein their massas do on fox and wonder y we call them coons. Foh. Black on black violence is always being addressed if u pay attention.
When there’s a story about a black person harming another black person that is addressing black on black crime. When it’s not appropriate to bring that up? In a thread about a white person harming a black person.
Theres nothing to address. Alleged black criminals are always aggressively pursued, eventually caught, then given long sentences or killed. Its been that way the whole time blacks have been in this country.
Secondly, what do you mean solutions? You mean a solution to stop someone black from committing a crime ever? . I'm tired of people talking about "the black community" like we a small tribe with a few thousand people. Theres tens of millions of us across this country, with a bunch of different backgrounds. We dont all know each other and we're definitely not responsible for everything each other does or doesnt do.
You can brain storm 'solutions' all you want, but at the end of the day not much will be done, because this country doesnt want a solution. To keep making money they need to fill those bed in their for profit prisons.
Cram a bunch of people in 1 area, then make sure they cant escape and barely have any resources, of course theres gunna be crime. How is this a surprise. Its like this all over the damn world.