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COMMUNITY Vegan, Vegetarian, Pescetarian Thanksgiving

Nah but I’m eating turkey, yams, potato salad, greens..I’m not really fond of ham and I doubt my grandmother is making cornbread. I usually don’t eat the Mac and cheese either. The yams and potato salad together is usually my thing and I’ll be making apple pies. Overall, I barely even eat turkey lol.


This pretty much all I’ve been eating/will eat until my bday week/Thanksgiving because I fully intend on OD’n then....real shit
As long as I have something that would quickly detox all that holiday food, I'm good. I've been on Irish Sea Moss gel heavy lately.
Y’all who don’t eat pork watch out for that cornbread

Hey! @Mooney

I do a curry or stew gluten...folks love it and really cant tell the difference. Especially with the curry gluten. Or I do a vegan lasagna and they really love that as well.

It's all about that seasoning mane...lol