Welcome To aBlackWeb

Small World


You're the target, not the victim 🧐
Mod Squad
Mark was sitting in his room playing watching "Martin" When he got the call. It was the episode where Martin was doing his best Wesley Snipes from New Jack City impression as he interrogated all his friends about his walkman.

He was still laughing as he answered the call "Yooo whassup?" Mark grinned into the phone.

The person calling was Remy. Remy was one of the craziest people Mark knew. He was also one of Mark's best friends.

Ever since they were kids Remy always had Mark's back. So Mark always felt like he owed him. It was just that when they were younger Remy never needed anything. Remy was the strongest of all his friends. He was the most popular. He was the best looking. He was the smartest. Remy was the best fighter. Remy was always the leader. Remy was the most fearless person Mark ever knew.

Now you give these traits to some white kid in the suburbs, there's no telling where they would take him. Senator, Judge, Surgeon, Astronaut, President, CEO, who knows? But give those traits to a black kid named Remy in one of the toughest neighborhoods in the city, and you get a potential crime lord.

Remy broke every law there was to break. And while he was still that well loved kid everyone from the neighborhood grew up with... in the more recent years Remy was also one of the most feared people Mark ever knew.

Mark tried his best stay out of trouble if he could. And as a result he tried to stay away from Remy as much as possible. But whereas Remy never once asked Mark for a thing all those year of saving his ass on the playground, as young adults it was like Remy was always asking for one thing or another. Amd Mark could never say no. Not to Remy. Mark always felt like he owed Remy his life. It was just that Mark was sometimes afraid that debt may fall into collection.

"Damn nigga you sound like you in a good mood. What you into?" Remy asked into the phone
"Oh nothing man, just sitting here watching TV" Mark responded
"Think I could get a ride real quick? I'll pay you" Remy negotiated

Mark thought for a second. Rides with Remy almost always end in some type of adventure. Mark knew that no matter how innocent his request may sound, the second Remy gets into Marks car he's going to be the accessory to something way over his head.

Mark took a deep breath. "Yea man that's wassup. Gimme like 15 mins, I'll be in the alley behind your house"
"Bet" Remy responded and hung up.

15 mins. Mark thought. Just long enough to roll up and take a few shots. This is going to be a long night.

It was just after 1 am in the morning when Mark pulled up in Remy's alley and put the car in park. After about 5 or 6 minutes the door opened as waves of smoke went out into the night.

"Damn nigga you already started, I was bout to see if you wanted money or bud. But i might as well roll up and match" Remy laughed as he got in the car and took Mark's blunt from him for a few hits.

"just take me down to JB's carwash real quick" Remy barely got out in between breaths.

Soon as Mark heard the words JB his heart jumped for the first time.

JB was an older gangster from the neighborhood. He was a big deal in the late 80's and supposedly used his dope money to open one of those really fancy car washes down off the avenue. It always was a big deal to get your car washed at JB's. It's where everyone always went to be seen. Where videos were shot. Car shows. Shootings. You name it, it went down at JB's. If Remy wanted to go down to JB's at this time of night. It couldn't have been for anything good.

As they got close Remy said the infamous words you never want to hear when you got a nigga like this in your car "Yo pull over right here and hit your lights"

They were a good block and a half away from the carwash. Mark said nothing, he just did what he was asked.

"I'll be right back bruh, no matter what...DON'T PULL OFF till I get back, ya heard me?" Remy's eyes bulged to what appeared to be 3 times their normal size.

Mark nodded his head in understanding. Remy hopped out and ran off into the night.

As Mark sat in the car, his imagination was on overload. He started thinking of the millions of potentially life changing or even life ending things he could be getting himself into. At this point he's officially an accessory if the police pull up.

"What if the police do pull up?" Mark began to think. He was high, and paranoid, but he didn't want to look it. But at the same time he felt he should look around.

Mark winded down all his windows, slouched in his seat and tried to control his breath. After about a minute of silence he heard what sounded like running footsteps. Mark felt a bolt of fear hit his body. He knew he had to look up and around now.

Just as he was about to look up his passenger door yanked open

"Drive nigga! Drive!" Mark didn't' hesitate at all he started the car and immediately pulled off screeching the tires as he took off down the street.

"WHOA NIGGA WHOA!" Remy yelled

"Slow this motherfucker down!" he ordered

"NIggaz get caught after they robbed a bank cuz they driving like they robbed a bank. This ain't the movies nigga. We ain't on no high speed chase!" Remy belted out

"When you ride with me nigga, take off slow, hit corners slow.....drive normal, look normal nigga...that's how you get away" Remy texplained to Mark

"Now slowly turn down Carver, I gotta make one more stop" Remy said as he re lit the blunt

Mark made a right on Carver and went all the way down to Mason street where he pulled over slowly again and turned his lights out while Remy got out and ran into the darkness.

He didn't take nearly as long this time and when he got in Mark started driving off really slow until he heard a loud horn and saw highbeams.

"Damn nigga don't get us killed!" Remy shouted as MArk swerved around the Black Ford Pick up truck that almost T-boned them through the stop sign Mark ran through.

The old man driving looked Mark right in his eyes with a certainty of recognition. Mark instantly felt guilty.

A few moments later Mark pulled back into Remy's alley. Mark cut the engine

"Look" Remy started "To be perfectly honest bruh, I ain't seen you all week forreal,...what you say?"

it was code. Mark understood "Yea man, I think the last time I saw you was some time last week forreal, I been running around"

"Yea man I feel you" Remy smiled as he dapped up his friend.

When Remy got out the car two $100 bills were in the passenger seat.

"IIght man that's you right there, I'll holla"

"Thanks bruh" Mark responded
The next day Mark was up and running around early. It was like everybody and their mother needed a ride somewhere.

One lady needed him to take her to her kids school then to the doctors office. One of his buddies needed to go see a probation officer. His mother's best friend needed a ride back from the supermarket. And by that time the lady from the doctors office was ready and wanted to see if he was available. MArk told her he was on the other side of town But she wanted to wait. It was hectic.

Mark wasn't complaining though. He had made a little over $100 just riding people around and it wasn't even noon yet. Which was great news because if Mark hurreid he might be able to beat the lunch line over at Casey Sandwich Shack. He had one of their Turkey Reubens on honey Rye Bread on his mind all morning. This was a great opportunity to knock one down. Considering how much he made so far that da,y and his bonus from last night he had more than enough to not only get the sandwich, but a few beers and hang out for a while as well. There was a nursing school that let out for lunch every day at noon right across from Casey's. That first hour was prime hunting hours. Especially considering the automotive school in the same shopping center doesn't lunch until 115.

Mark pulled up to the parking lot at about 11:50 and already saw a few familiar faces out there. A couple of guys from around the way. Some from school. Nothing out of the ordinary. Mark was cool.

Once the nursing school let out, it was always funny to watch guys shoot their respective shots. it was a daily thing. Mark got caught up in it as well sometimes, but today he was thinking about what went down the night before. He briefly heard two guys mention a someone being shot, but he never asked any questions. Being accused of era hustling can start a lot of shit if one isn't careful. Mark always tried his best to be careful.

It was then that Mark saw Remy and two other guys walking over to where he was sitting.

"Oh shit Mark, I thought that was you bruh, i ain't seent yo ass i like a week nigga what you been up to??" Remy shouted as soon as they got to Mark's seat at the bar.

"Aww you know how it be man, ripping n runnin, I be seeing niggaz all the time, but if i gotta ride in my car, I can t stop ya heard me?" Mark responded Remy looked at him nodding his head

"But yea man it's prolly been like a week tho....what up witchu?" Mark asked

"Aww me nuffin man, my homeboy wanted to know if u could drop him off somewhere" Remy asked

Mark shook his head "Sure, lemme me just finish this sandwich up first man" he answered

"Aww naw man take your time, shit that look good, I might get me one" Remy joked

The guy Remy wanted Mark drop off was named Eric. Eric seemed cool enough. Mark knew he recognized him, he just couldn't place it for sure.
After everyone finished their food and drinks Remy and the other guy walked off while Eric went with Mark. Eric wasn't particularly chatty, but he was definitely not shy of conversation. He asked Mark a few questions about where he was from and what school he went to. He was also saying that Mark looked familiar, he just couldn't place a finger on it. They both finally remembered it was a special summer camp for basketball students from 5 summers ago. They both were in high school at the time. They laughed about that and Eric was telling Mark a story about how he smashed one of the coaches daughter who was a cheerleader at their school.

While the story was funny, Mark lost the urge to laugh as he realized they were turning down the same street he dropped remy off at the night before.
"Yea man right here at Carver, and then make a right on Mason" Eric directed.

"Aye bruh I can give you $20 for the ride for a half of baby of some real good shit man........ trust me"

Mark figured this dude had to know the kind of guy Remy was if something would have happened to him. He took a deep breath and responded "Yea man, let me see the bud"

"iight follow me" Eric ordered as he got out and started walking down the street.

Mark followed Eric down the block where they walked on the porch were like 4 other guys were sitting. They all were smoking and drinking. Some looked vaguely familiar, some Mark never saw. Eric slapped fives and pounded all of them and introduced Mark "Yo this Mark yall, Remy's peoples just came from up there with the nigga"

Grunts of recognition to Remy's name came from a few of the guys, as some extended their hands and a some didn't.
" remy hear anything about what happened to Jew?" one of the guys asked

"Naw man, but Remty heard the same shit you said you heard" Eric responded

"I'm telling you yo I think it was that bitch bruh" Another one of the guys said

"What bitch?" Mark Asked. He figured since they were this open about the conversation he must be included

Eric looked at Mark "Jew got this bitch he fuck with, but she going around telling people Jew gonna rob JB's carwash.....next thing you know JB carwash get hit last night and niggaz find Jew dead in his house with the gun from the robbery....annnnnd the money"

"Dammn" Mark said

"Man that wasn't all money either, I know for a fact JB keep stacks in there, they saying Jew only had like 6-700 on him, I'm like bullllshit" another guy on the porch yelled

"Yea but ciops fuck around and take that shit too" Mark suggested

"un hunh" the guy next to mark agreed

"Cops fuck around see that kinda money, they e like closed case....pocket the money....i wouldn't be surprised if they fucked around and shot him" Mark joked

"you know i ain't never think about that, homie might be right" The first guy on the porch said again

"naw the cops ain't shoot him, cuz Lamont said he saw a black pickup truck blowing it's horn real hard that made him come outside and see what happened.....he think the niggaz who did it was in the pick up truck....beeping their horn telling the niggaz to come on" another porch nigga said

"or the bitch.......Nigga in the truck coulda been beeping the truck horn for the bitch? where the bitch?" Eric said

"You ask Remy about the bitch EZ?"

This guy must be calling Eric by his street name Mark thoguht

"Man Remy said he fucked a bitch two days ago that said Jew bitch was talking about Jew gonna rob JB's. and if she telling groups of bitches it's no telling who else she told. The whole thing stupid, That's why I say where the bitch?"

Mark just shook his head and said "Damn man that's fucked up. I'll keep an eye out for her, what's her name?" He asked

"Trina man...Trina....oh shit,.... here's your bud nigga.... this some good shit too" Eric/EZ said as he handed MArk a jar.

Mark opened the jar and smelled it really good. His eyes watered a little. He was shaking his head "Yea man this that fire, bruh, thanks"

"Naw man it's nothing. Just remember Trina, if you see a Trina let me know." Eric said to Mark

"Yea, I'll make sure to tell Remy the same" Mark responded

Eric kinda leaned his head to the side in consideration "Yea ....I mean yea you could do that, but if you ever see me please let me know if you seen Trina bruh. everybody round here done seent you and your car, you good round here bruh, we know you" Erric assured

"Iight bruh thanks" Mark responded

As Mark walked back to his car, his feet felt light as if he wasn't even walking on solid ground. It was like he just breathing air for the first time, or seeing the clouds. He wasn't trying to walk fast, but he never felt like he should run more in his entire life.

When he got to his car, he let out a deep breath and almost a yell. But he just calmly started the car, smelled his jar again and pulled off.
Later that evening Remy texted Mark to meet him in the alley behind his house.

It was the same late hour as before and Mark felt as though he should have just ignored the message all together. He looked at his phone intensely. He stared at it. He was trying to think of a lie he could tell to get out of the situation. "is this like work where you call in sick" Mark thought "Hello, Remy? Yea I'm not feeling to good tonight I don't think I can get into any thug or gangster shit if that's okay with you" Mark laughed to himself.
He just responded "On my way"

Remy was standing in the alley with a girl when Mark pulled up. He opened the door and got in with Mark. The girl stayed outside the car.

"So what was them nigaz talking about? Remy asked Mark
"What niggaz?" Mark responded.

He wasn't sure where this was going. Remy never asked Mark about other people before. And Remy was always very clear that him and Mark never talk about the shit Remy does when he's riding with him. Mark knew full well what kind of person Remy was. He knew all the shit he got into. But they never discussed it. That just wasn't the nature of their friendship. As kids they watched cartoons and movies together, played with toys. went to the playground. Remy just always had Mark's back. AS teenagers they no longer did the same things so there was nothing for them to talk about. But It was always understood that Remy had Marks back. And now as adults Mark drinks and smokes with Remy, he occasionally hangs out at the bar or even a strip club with him. But they don't talk about gangster shit. Mark just drives people around. Sure he sees and hears a lot, but he's never talked about it. That was his rule. Remy's rule.

And now Remy was asking him to break it he didn't understand why.

"Look man," Remy started "You don't ever talk about what I do, but you tell me EVERYTHING everybody else does"

Mark immediately understood and told Remy every detail of the conversation from earlier. Down to the pick up truck of the old man who Mark swore recognized him. Remy started laughing "Iight man, that's enough i got it"

Mark let out a sign of relief and laughed with him "We good bruh?" Mark asked

"Yea bruh just drop this short off at the heights for me" Remy said as he slipped Mark five $100 bills.

"Yea man I got you" Mark answered with an almost confused tone as the girl got in the car

"and don't forget what i told you" Remy said as he winked and slightly nodded his head towards the girl.

Once she settled in Mark pulled off.

He adjusted his mirror so he could see her face. She was very pretty but Mark could tell she had been crying. He could also tell she had a name tag from JB's car wash on the side of her bag. The name read "Trina"

"How you know him?" Trina finally asked after a few moments of silence
"Oh that's my man's" Mark responded
"Oh" Trina answered
"he told you they looking for me? Trina asked Mark
"Looking for you? Who looking for you?" Mark asked
"This crazy nigga named EZ...he think I set my boyfriend up to get shot by JB n them cuz i told everybody he was gonna rob JB..... but he was......he was gonna rob JB and he wasn't just telling me he was telling everybody that shit, I don't know why they tryna put this shit on me it's stupid" Trina pouted.

Mark didn't say anything in response. He was just trying to piece everything together. He figured this girl must have told Remy that her boyfriend Jew was planning to rob JB. And Remy must've figured that if JB does get robbed everybody going to suspect Jew becuz of Trina running her mouth. For a guy like Remy that's just enough misdirection to get the job done. And with JB dead, the only person that could point a finger at Remy would be Trina.....And Mark.....and they are in a car together. And Remy knows this.

Mark's heart just dropped. He just realized the situation he was in. If Remy wanted to tie up all loose ends, it was simple as his car being run off the road. His paranoia began to slip in again. It didn't help that the weed he got from EZ was fucking amazing.

Mark asked Trina specifically where she was going

"Oh Remy got this boy named Moon, he live in the height he's going to help me get out of town" Trina gingerly answered
"Moon?" Mark asked
"Yea Moon, you know him? Remy said he was nice"
'Yea, He's nice. I guess" Mark couldn't even swallow

If Remy was the devil, Moon was the grim reaper. When JB started his carwash in the 90's much of the chatter was that niggaz suspected it was because of 'The Rise of the Moon' as they liked to call it.

It was a nightmare as I remember it.

The police routinely found mutated bodies with parts missing. Niggaz burned and buried in the woods. people tied up on telephone poles where they had been stoned to death. And Moon was behind all of it. The police could never arrest him because people would never talk about him. People barely even seen him. If you did see him it meant someone was about to die. Moon was a good 16 years older than us and also Remy's uncle. Despite Remy being the perfect gangster in his own regards just the thought of his uncle Moon was enough to ruin the clean underwear of even the most harden thug. And MArk was on his way to see him.

"I think it's right here" Trina said as Mark looked out the passenger window to see if he saw any lights on the porch of the address Remy gave them

"I got it from here Marcus" a sudden cold voice said to Mark from the drivers window.

He never saw or heard anyone walk up. Trina did neither. They both almost shit themselves at the immediate presence of this dark figure brooding over Mark's car.

Not sensing an invite for himself in Moon's tone Mark responded "Iight shorty, this you stop"

Trina looked at Mark through the rearview mirror. While she wasn't sure of what followed, it began to register to her that she wouldn't be seeing ayne one she knew anytime soon. "Y-You not coming in?" Trina asked Mark as almost a plea

Mark started to answer but Moon interrupted with a cold and absolute tone "No Marcus is very busy, I'm sure he has to.....run now"

There was no mistaken in that message. Mark got outta there as fast as he could. He didn't even look back. It was he second time that day he felt like he was way too close to death. He just wanted to go home shower and hit the bed.

When he got to his house it was about 9pm and his mother was still up on the phone. Some one from the church must've called with gossip because she was yelling the same things really loud

"He did what? I know that's right? Imma pray for'em"

it was the same ole same ole.

Mark kissed her on the head and made himself a glass of water before sitting down

"no no no, he right here right now, he ain't doing nuffin," Mark's mom was saying into the phone

Mark was wondering what in the hell was she volunteering him for

"Girl just give him like $20 and go check on your husband, imma send him there in like 20 minutes so go gt ready. I love a baby, yall in my prayers. alright now. Praise the lord" Mark's mother said before hanging up the phone

"What was that about" Mark asked

"Oh honey I need you to run Sister Garland to the hospital, them fools down there done beat the poor man up...pulled him outta his pick up truck...screaming asking him about some girl it don't make no sense. You know Mr Robert Garland, always drive that black pick up truck. He the one you help take all that stuff to the dump that one time" Mark's mom asked

"Yea..."Mark remembered, "that's where i know him from"

"Yea they beat the man half the death it's not looking good at all. His wife waiting for you tho...so go. She'll give you $20 for it" his mother reminded him

"Yea...I got her......small world"