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You have to be really into the story. On the plus side - tits and monster slaying. I recently finished TW2 for the first time since I bought it like 8 years ago and I was barely able to follow the politics of main story other than I had to chase my homie Letho and that humans were racist af, lol. My eyes were basically glazed over by the time I reached the final act.

That being said, seeing as how Cyberpunk got delayed, I might as well jump into TW3.
Yea the story have you confused, am I powerful or a herb. Cause some of the missions, dude should just tell them to go fuck themselves. I made it past the bloody baron part and outside of knowing I'm looking for Ciri..I have no idea what's going on
You don’t need 80k to get a car to get to work, or to stay somewhere decent on top of your salary lol

a married couple makes hmmm 120k combined and then you want to give them another 160k combined on top of that?

It’s gonna look like when they had reparations on chappelle’s show and shit

KFC gonna merge with supreme

And what is the problem with that?
I might have had more. Spend like 6 hours getting the mods together, end up playing for 2 hours.

I dont think I ever completed the main story
lmao I've forgotten what vanilla looks like at this point. the ability to mod makes me never want to buy a console again
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