Welcome To aBlackWeb

NoOneImportant’s Last Stand




Nigga, wasn't you trying to fight Paprika because he said something disrespectful to you, along with owing you some ABW money?

Now, you sitting up here trying to act like I am taking this online shit too seriously? FOH. The language I used to describe my online deeds is no different from some of your favorite ABW posters.

Oh, I shed blood offline too nigga.

You couldn't even afford to rent a loaner car while your car was in the shop getting fixed. Grown ass man out here a riding bike, getting hit by trucks, and shit, looking like a cartoon character.

Sounds like you have more to worry about than collecting ABW money and finding love online, you broke nigga.

This dumb ass nigga doesn't even know how to spell "tailor-made" correctly.


Go read a book you illiterate son of a bitch and step up yo' vocab

Go get poked by a hypodermic needle during one of your Habitat for Humanity projects, catch HIV, and die nigga.

Ol Bubbles from The Wire looking ass nigga.


Here this guy goes again... You couldn't beat me a year ago when I was at my worst... You sure as hell is not going to beat me now...

Didn't I once tell your cac ass that you have no right to disrespect any nigga on these Internet forums?

Yeah, SJM is a nigganude collecting and distributing faggot, but he is still OUR brother and YOU are still a cac. We can make fun of him, you cannot.

Even though he wasn't probably not around while you was growing up, how would your father feel that his son is pandering to other men out here, black men at that?

I can say whatever the fuck I want and shit works out for me, while you have to agree with the majority opinion in fear of receiving backlash, which proves that you are man-pleasing pandering cac faggot who doesn't belong here.

I spoke up for SJM, while this cac tries his hardest to go at him because he sees you niggas doing it and thinks it will impress you. Absolutely disgusting.

Let me tell you something cac, knowledge and money is all that matters in this world, not pandering to other people. Don't let anyone here tell you differently. These people are not going to be there for you and pay your bills when the time comes.

Instead of using all that energy to steal our culture to become the "edgy" cac amongst your group of white friends, you could be using it to learn a trade of some sort.

I myself, am no longer learning "urban" culture, but I am sure as hell learning your culture on how to make money and fucking your women at the same time.

You think any of your black trival knowledge is going to matter to your cac friends and you when y'all turn 35+? Money, investments, spouse, children, and vacations are the only things that matter at that point.

Cac, you hustling backwards. Quoting what LordZuko once told Kat in GnS in regards to her having a nigger baby, but the same thing applies to you wasting your time culture vulturing: "You are a waste of white flesh. You are a lottery win away from being a major player."

Yeah, ABW doesn't want us disrespecting women, but are y'all going to keep bold cacs such as this one in-line? Race > Gender > Sexuality, IMHO.

Ironman, if you hated the IC so much, then why you stayed posting on it? You are also a full-time Coli member.

Back when BB was active, this faggot was fully-participating on 4 seperate known Internet forums (BB, IC, Coli, ABW).

How about you spend less time posting on forums, making those lame ass Ironman-related smilies/gifs, playing video games, and watching anime to step outside and hollar at some bitches if you that hard up?

Man... if your scary ass don't make a thread on here on now to cold-approach a bitch...

Ol "rejection is easier behind the computer screen" ass nigga.

This nigga was up here phone chatting with scorpio4lfe being her gay best friend, while she was masturbating over the phone for Beta at the same damn time. YamsCassell was probably still digging that shit out at the same damn time. I know this process has happened at least one other time with a chick he was talking too, and will happen again.

This nigga lives in NYC where he can causally meet bitches walking on the streets, waiting on the subway platform, riding on the subway, and etc.

While I live on the outskirts of Atlanta and drive everywhere, it takes me 10 - 15 minutes to reach the interstate in order to drive an additional 15 minutes to go somewhere to meet chicks.

Man... my two former lame ass Indian co-workers went to NYC for contracts, told me that there different types of chicks for everyone and went up there pulled something while this nigga over here clamoring for attention...

Go try and poke your chest out at some niggas offline the same way you doing right now. You don't even do that with chicks in a friendly nature.

I will tell you what is going to happen, your midget organs will up end on New York's black market and find rich white kid recipients by Friday.

Yeah, you know better than to do that. You are by far the softest New York nigga I have ever met.

Remembering an old pic of your's, I saw you had these gnarly black rings around your eyes. Not sure if they are still there, but still fuck you anyways, you racoon-faced hoe.

Make up is usually the devil, but it is your saving grace, huh?

What you tired or something, b? Bitch stop, you know you never worked hard a day in your life and had everything handed to you by your parents.

Shit, you work harder as a forum moderator than you do your real job, ignoring those poor retarded kids.

How you be on this motherfucker all day? Our tax dollars paying for this shit?

Yeah, if you worked with regular kids, then you wouldn't have such freedom.

Bitch probably even not a teacher, but a teacher's aide, LOL.

This bitch's face is like a tree, you can tell how old she is by the number of rings under her eyes...

This bitch's face looks like her baby daddy told her "No" twice which is why they not together.

This bitch probably has liver hepatitis and out here steadily drinking every other day, SMH. I hope your liver fails and you can't get a transplant.

Ol Stevie Francis melt face hoe.


This bitch probably nearly drowned as a kid and suffers the side effects of decompression sickness and oxygen deprivation. Probably the only reasonable explanation why she thought in her rabid ass mind it was a good idea to go against me.

I should have said fuck yo grandma, but I knew my original statement would sting much more.

You a dumb ass hoe speaking on relationships you don't even know about. Goldie you better grab this hoe before ABW ends up like BB, not by me of course.

Goldie, I am out of here nigga. I have no problems with ABW or you. I don't need to be posting in the PG era.
Ironman ain't the beef type so he probably read it and didn't care.

Dont know englishdude so have no clue how he'd react.

Nomad might not see this until next week, I rarely see him online.
Nigga made a whole new account to post this?

Lmaoooo. Aye but I do got dark circles, they run in the family. Daddy side specifically. Thanks for noticing.
I was about to say "he made a thread?"

I do find it funny these chicks pop off and then all these dudes come running with their capes on trying to be captain save a hoe.
Here he go lol

I'm bout to finish Black mirror

I'll be back later
There’s a difference between exchanging shots and then speaking on the deceased because your feeling got hurt over some internet words.

I mean the dudes just directed a bible towards 3/4 posters lol.

This shit means too much to him, he’s hurt.

Rather than take the weeks ban he’s gotta make another account lol bet he beat his missus when she walked through the door.
Ironman ain't the beef type so he probably read it and didn't care.

Dont know englishdude so have no clue how he'd react.

Nomad might not see this until next week, I rarely see him online.
I didn't read like I told him before he did what I said he'd do. I don't care.
I accused this nigga of being GorillaWitAttitude on the IC and he tried to pull this same shit on me. I dont know if he really is GWA but I swear him and Paprika are the same poster, he even name dropped him in his titangraph.

Also I got 50K ABW bucks that says he'll be back before the end of January