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Lady paid $50 by a West Virginia police chief so he could rape her 17-year-old

In exchange for $50, Kristen Naylor-Legg brought her 17-year-old family member to a community center in June 2020 where a local police chief allegedly r*ped the girl, federal prosecutors claim.

Naylor-Legg, court documents say, stood by – directing the girl during the alleged r*pe and providing her with towels to clean up afterward. A West Virginia police chief, who was on duty, according to court documents, allegedly failed to pay the woman the agreed-upon price and left.

On Wednesday, Naylor-Legg, 28, pleaded guilty in a West Virginia federal court to one count of conspiracy to s*x traffic a minor. She faces up to life in prison at sentencing, which is scheduled for December. Regardless of how much time she gets behind bars, she will have to register as a s*x offender.

Her attorney did not respond to a request for comment.

Larry Allen Clay Jr., the now ex-police chief of the small town of Gauley Bridge, is charged with s*x trafficking a minor using coercion and conspiracy. Clay, who was 57 at the time of his March arrest, also worked roughly eight years as a Fayette County Sheriff’s deputy.

He pleaded not guilty in May; his trial is scheduled for November. His lawyer, Sebastian Joy, declined to comment.

The case against Naylor-Legg started when the 17-year-old girl told a federal investigator in September and October 2020 that Naylor-Legg struck the alleged deal with Clay several months earlier.

Clay allegedly r*ped the girl twice in June 2020, U.S. Department of Homeland Security agent Brian Morris wrote in a sworn affidavit. The girl told investigators Clay knew she was 17 because he and Naylor-Legg had discussed her upcoming 18th birthday.

Naylor-Legg also took photos of the girl’s brea*ts and buttocks and, at times, directed the teenager to take the same kinds of pictures of herself, Morris wrote in his affidavit. Naylor-Legg then sent them to Clay and unnamed “other individuals,” who allegedly paid her for the images using the mobile service Cash App, the documents add.

But Naylor-Legg offered Clay more than pictures, according to the affidavit. After Clay allegedly told her to meet him one day in June 2020, she texted her 17-year-old family member. Then she drove the girl to the rendezvous spot, court records state.

Clay allegedly arrived in a gray police vehicle wearing his uniform, the affidavit says. He allegedly forced the girl to perform oral s*x on him before raping her on the police vehicle, according to the affidavit. He then allegedly paid Naylor-Legg, who was present during the entire encounter, and left.

Later that month, the three went to a police substation inside a city-owned community center, authorities said. As Clay allegedly r*ped the teen, Naylor-Legg told the girl to “let him” finish, court documents state, adding that “it would not be a problem because he was ‘fixed.'”

When it was over, Naylor-Legg gave her towels to clean herself, the affidavit says, and Clay allegedly failed to pay before leaving.

After interviewing the teenager months later, investigators found the towels at the substation where she said they had left them. Investigators had forensic scientists with the West Virginia State Police test the towels. They contained DNA from both the girl and Clay, court records state.

Clay allegedly had bigger plans for the 17-year-old girl, federal prosecutor Jennifer Rada Herrald told a judge at a hearing in March. The former police chief allegedly told the teen “he could be her sugar daddy,” Herrald said, and that he could arrange for other law enforcement officers to pay $100 to r*pe her. One officer who had been charged with two counts of s*xual a*sault in a nearby county told authorities Clay had reached out to him to see if he was interested in such an arrangement, the prosecutor alleged.

Clay and Naylor-Legg allegedly did not stop with the 17-year-old, Herrald added. The two adults were allegedly having s*x with each other, she said, and one time, another minor walked in on them. Both allegedly tried to coax the child to join them, Herrald said.

In arguing to keep Clay locked up, Herrald told the judge that – as a police chief and sheriff’s deputy – the man had held a position of authority granted to him by the community. But, she said, he used the power society gave him to hurt a child.

“The idea that a minor, who was being told she must engage in commercial s*x with a law enforcement officer in uniform or in a police substation, could feel any chance of saying no is unfathomable,” the prosecutor told the judge. “His use of his authority made his offense all the worse and all the more brazen.”

I need a shower after reading that


And there was a second cop with rape charges too?

So I wonder if the other cop who snitched had those charges already when the chief called him?

Cops out here Outta control.
The issue is that those programs would quickly become racist plus ed 209 shot that guy because of a malfunction.

Imagine how many "malfunctions" they would have ?

Yeah, I know. It was really just a joke. Some of he AI they use for facial recognition is already biased against black people, so we definitely don't want killer robots on the streets.
So he only got in trouble because he didn’t pay the $50?


The mother or whatever would have kept her mouth shut and prolly would have set up the girl to do it however many times the chief wanted. Prolly woulda got other cops involved too. The only reason why we're seeing this is 'cause he reneged on the $50 agreement.

Throw everybody away and get the girl into serious counseling.