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Mad Queen doesn't need a reason to burn a whole city. That's the point, she went mad like her daddy but things happening around her pushed her to that point.


I mean I don't understand how much clearer can it be.

It's like folks wanted Dany to look straight at the camera and literally say...

"Hey guys...I'm about to snap. But before I do, lemme run down a list with you on what led me to this point."


I mean I don't understand how much clearer can it be.

It's like folks wanted Dany to look straight at the camera and literally say...

"Hey guys...I'm about to snap. But before I do, lemme run down a list with you on what led me to this point."


I dont disagree with you. Lets be real...alot of what transpired with dany was intentional shock value imo. I didnt mind it myself and thought it stuck but i can see why it didnt hit with some viewers considering:

1. Dany was celebrating with strangers about saving the world when she clearly didnt have to. This happened literally last episode.

2. The half-assed way they handled the AotD arc. I honestly think there is carry over from that into this.

3. Similar to 1 and 2 the rushed nature of this season makes it somewhat harder to land. For example, jon snow probably was a reason she lost it. But that came to a climax 20 minutes before her rampage.

Hell even in this thread there is some confusion on her motives. Some of yall are saying she just snapped (most plausible). Some are saying she was always like this and it finally came to fruition. Some of yall are saying that shes just been through so much (probably the most ridiculous argument considering thats shes probably middle of the pack in that department among the main characters). Or is a combination of all three?

Imo the most plausible thing is that due to the time constraints and overall narrative the writers prioritized the twist at the end over building it up. Nothing wrong with that.
was watching these niggas on YouTube debating the last episode...these dudes was pissed at Jamie’s arc....dudes was like they spent seven seasons making us like Jamie just to ruin it at the end....we are so mad
I was rolling lmao
Meanwhile I've always known that nigga was trash and couldn't wait for him to die lol
I think this season was rushed. A lot of things you would have think deserved big moments, but aren't really being given. I mean this was a decent episodes, but they killed a lot of people with little to no build up or satisfying payoff. The people just died.
My only real complaint about this season is we shoulda got more than 6 episodes. I was listening to a podcast called The Watch (if yall got HBO it's the 2 dudes that did that 'after the thrones' recap show from a few seasons back) and one guy said we got the synopsis version of everything. The hound and arya are so dope together we would've loved to see a few scenes of them over a few eps riding down however long it takes to get to KL.

I might've been fine with the 6 eps if s7 was actually 10 eps and we got that setup. But yea I feel like the only thing they aptly fleshed out was Daenerys. We'd have benefitted greatly from one of the last seasons being 8 or 10 eps.
Other than that I've been enjoying the season but I'm a vocal minority going by online shit.
This is for the niggas mad that Arya killed the Night's King

Lest we forget Samwell Tarly defeated a white walker with zero effort. LOLOLOLOL @ thinking the NK was gonna do much better than these niggas.

30 seconds to dispose of each of them niggas

Niggas needed special swords
Shit wasn't skill.

An tarly did some scared over and behind the back shit. Like a kid who shot someone cuz they scared...but y'all act like he's a shooter.
Niggas only have granny Tyrell to blame for this madness lol

I wonder who gon read danys titles and give her the coronation lol.
Oh yea did yall notice dany called grey worm by his real name?

This past Sunday's episode...yup.

Respect. No longer acknowledging his slave name I'm guessing
finally caught up...

Dany gotta go... but I understand why she did what she did... it wasn’t about killing Cersei, it was forcing her to watch everything she wanted crumble & burn, and to know that she was watching death slowly come toward her... she begged for her life at the end... watching Cersei slowly go from hopeful to discouraged to fear, that’s what Dany wanted... plus Missandei spoke her last words, burn em all...

but John, Arya & Tyrion seen the Mad King,... they know what has to happen... Arya is going to burn but not die after killing Dany.. still chasing revenge like Hound said... you’ll be just like me...

Sansa will rule. Tyrion marries her.

Game Over.
I'm still thinking dany gotta go at sansa. Shes already established herself as someone who will rule by fear so she might as well take out her #1 enemy. Lean in, bitch.

Arya is the obvious choice to kill dany but it may also be Tyrion. I thought it could be jon but I don't think dany would let him that close to her anymore. If dany is smart tho she'll just throw Tyrion in a dungeon and be done with it. His services are no longer needed. Plus she know he got ties to the north and her main hater, sansa, specifically. But if that doesnt happen Tyrion could pick up the mantle and be queen slayer.
This past Sunday's episode...yup.

Respect. No longer acknowledging his slave name I'm guessing

Not only that, but Dany choosing to speak their foreign tongue in front of Jon. A blatant showing of how she no longer trust him. That's the kind of little details you usually get with Tywin Lannisters scenes. Which were some of the best in the show.

I'm wonder what was the significance of Arya finding that horse. They gave a whole lot of extra cinematography for that part when they're clearly on a tight schedule. That has to symbolize something. The way they showed her standing in the light made me consider something dealing the Lord of Light, maybe.
Game of Thrones doesn't do flashbacks and rightly so. That is a cliched lazy way of telling a story. I actually don't mind the way Dany snapped. Of all the faults with this episode I don't think that was one of them.
Dany is the main thing they got right this season. I have 0 complaints about how that went down.
Not only that, but Dany choosing to speak their foreign tongue in front of Jon. A blatant showing of how she no longer trust him. That's the kind of little details you usually get with Tywin Lannisters scenes. Which were some of the best in the show.

I'm wonder what was the significance of Arya finding that horse. They gave a whole lot of extra cinematography for that part when they're clearly on a tight schedule. That has to symbolize something. The way they showed her standing in the light made me consider something dealing the Lord of Light, maybe.
Death riding a pale white horse
Game of Thrones doesn't do flashbacks and rightly so. That is a cliched lazy way of telling a story. I actually don't mind the way Dany snapped. Of all the faults with this episode I don't think that was one of them.

Writers left it up to the fans to determine what caused her to snapped.

Again if you truly been watching the series...then you don't need an explanation.
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.

13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.
Main complaint being... these last 2 seasons should’ve been 10 full episodes each. Now all you niggas who bitch about “filler” episodes see why those are some of the most important.

It allows the plot to cook in a more natural way, and we wouldn’t be sittin here debating why and when Dany snapped. We would’ve gotten the appropriate slow burn. We wouldn’t complain about the “fast travel”. All the “lazy writing” would be fleshed out, into a more cohesive narrative.
Those after the episode segments is just the writers explaining why the episode was so trash. Wtf was that "I'm the man who killed Jamie Lannister" bullshit? smh

They should've never put Euron in the show nobody gave a fuck about Jaime after he lost his hand. The Dornish Sandsnakes and Euron were the biggest book to show letdown
Funny to see ppls reactions to Dany s rampage on a fictional show....it’s not real lmao...

But we dropped 2 bombs on innocent Japanese niggas , to this day niggas is flying drones and killing all types of random innocent ppl

But let’s spend 2 days bitching bout a fictional rampage

Bruh wtf are you talking about? You aint never seen a war protest as a student of history? black anericans didnt even drop atom bombs lol. Comparing apples to fish lol