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COMMUNITY Does Anybody Have/Collect Funko?

I dont have any but I always check them out whenever I see them in stores. I have to convince myself not to buy one. I know if I do I'll buy the entire goddamn set and I'm already poor enough. Shits cool though!

I felt the same way when i started getting them, but didnt care after 3rd time i bought them, only one time i can remember i didnt buy some cause i only had saw 2 out of 3 in a set
My sister had Harry Potter and his team and Cap America, I have Megaman and Dr Wily, lil bro jas V i think from V for Vendetta
I have Alien, Predator, Han Solo and Deadpool. My kids have 1 each from Fortnite, Skull Trooper and Brite Bomber....
when toys r us went out of business here last year, I stopped by to take a look at what they had on clearance and it was a mountain of them but none of the characters i was even remotely interested in

I started to get a BP one (wasnt at Toys r us) though but backed out at the last min

Got a BP one on my desk at work now. Still unopened.
I see @87alan does so I wonder if anybody else does also?

I have a few myself

Not shown here is

Steamboat Willie
Phantasm from the Batman animated movie

I got a link on these. And I got some comic statues I'm gonna hit yall in the head with once I send the prints in to the China link.
as you can see in my profile pic, I've always been a collector. I recently got into the Funko shits a couple of years ago. I've almost got over 500 now. Massive collection!!
i bought these just for the fuck of it but i might double back and get them again and keep em in the boxes....I want that Jordan one too
My kids collect them. I've seen a few I might actually end up buying.