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Is there even another female battle rap league? lol This nigga got imaginary opps
Na after watching the phara blog, Qotr is now actively shutting down battles not on their platform similar to how url does . There was spose to be all female card sunday owned by another battler named Tia but alot of those battles got cancelled due to the politics. She done called Debo a house nigga who let the white man (url) come in and tell them how to run the biz and forgot who helped build the platform.
Niggas really shitin on anybody who battles on RBE smh.
Let's not forget niggas who went from allegedly playing in front of 50,000 people to a battle rap career on KOTD then URL. Then you got Shotgun Suge "URL is the league that matters" B Dot third vs Emerson Kennedy really hits different now, lol. Niggas downplaying Saynt for battling on KOTD rather than URL.

You also got niggas who clown their peers for having a regular job while battle rapping, lol.
Niggas on twitter saying Day 2 was better than Day 1.

I’m not talking about the battles.. I don’t care about any of those of create a battlers on Day 2.. I'm talking about what happened at the Day 2 event that had niggas who were at the event tweeting shit like “I hope everyone is okay”, “I’m alright I hope everyone else is safe” and “URL should never go back to Richmond“.. And how certain battle rap bloggers who usually love to turn anything & everything into a big controversy for views/likes.. Suddenly don’t have anything to say about this situation and what did or didn’t go down.. It’s almost like a certain entity told these media niggas.. If they speak on the situation no more free ppvs, no more stage passes, no more getting into events for free and no more doing interviews with a certain leagues battlers...
whats up with you Jersey cats b

ya'll got access to behind the scenes rounds to these battles ya'll be disagreeing with me about or something?

Do ya'll get secretly coded messages to the same battles that I'm watching or something b?

let's talk

Is it b/c I said Clips 3-0'd Lux? Ok...2-1 Clips over Lux

Is it b/c I said Geechi didn't get 30'd by ANYBODY last year? Ok...him and surf...debatable...him and Ars? debatable

Is it b/c ya'll signed it in blood to never show division on the site when it comes to battlrap? Ok...sound like a personal problem and not an AP problem

Are ya'll gonna let Maywood join? He at a crossroads right now and dont know what region he wanna claim. He was ALL in the videos during the football season when the Bums...pardon me...Bears were getting their shit pushed in every week, then switched up to Minnesota when they played the saints. Is he having a mid region crisis right now?

I need answers b
whats up with you Jersey cats b

ya'll got access to behind the scenes rounds to these battles ya'll be disagreeing with me about or something?

Do ya'll get secretly coded messages to the same battles that I'm watching or something b?

let's talk

Is it b/c I said Clips 3-0'd Lux? Ok...2-1 Clips over Lux

Is it b/c I said Geechi didn't get 30'd by ANYBODY last year? Ok...him and surf...debatable...him and Ars? debatable

Is it b/c ya'll signed it in blood to never show division on the site when it comes to battlrap? Ok...sound like a personal problem and not an AP problem

Are ya'll gonna let Maywood join? He at a crossroads right now and dont know what region he wanna claim. He was ALL in the videos during the football season when the Bums...pardon me...Bears were getting their shit pushed in every week, then switched up to Minnesota when they played the saints. Is he having a mid region crisis right now?

I need answers b
Are you okay?
I’m not talking about the battles.. I don’t care about any of those of create a battlers on Day 2.. I'm talking about what happened at the Day 2 event that had niggas who were at the event tweeting shit like “I hope everyone is okay”, “I’m alright I hope everyone else is safe” and “URL should never go back to Richmond“.. And how certain battle rap bloggers who usually love to turn anything & everything into a big controversy for views/likes.. Suddenly don’t have anything to say about this situation and what did or didn’t go down.. It’s almost like a certain entity told these media niggas.. If they speak on the situation no more free ppvs, no more stage passes, no more getting into events for free and no more doing interviews with a certain leagues battlers...

Watched geechie vs ored
If geechie really was as perturbed as he said about being called a crab, shout out to his professionalism for finishing the battle with no altercations. Shout out to red for knowing and kept saying it lol
Chilla jones 2-1 nitty clear,no deb....
Chilla rds 1 & 2
Nitty clearly took the 3rd

Smack looked shocked the whole battle