I'm really curious about this. How do they do it? Is it Joker building his empire?

I'd rather keep Batman out of this for now. Would be interesting if they introduce Harley though

This would actually be a good theme to show their abusive relationship
I'm really curious about this. How do they do it? Is it Joker building his empire?

I'd rather keep Batman out of this for now. Would be interesting if they introduce Harley though

This would actually be a good theme to show their abusive relationship


There's PLENTY of ways how they can do it.

I'm sure some fans want them to jump ahead to Joker vs Batman. I'm still wanna know the early years of his reign of terror.

There's PLENTY of ways how they can do it.

I'm sure some fans want them to jump ahead to Joker vs Batman. I'm still wanna know the early years of his reign of terror.
They shouldn't even bring in a superhero. Just let it be the criminal and psychopath world. He just convinced a bunch of people to riot. Show all of that
But now the title of the movie makes a little more sense that it might be a musical maybe
Just found out folie à deux means madness for 2 so definitely having Harley in this and I can see Gaga being Harley, I just don’t know about it being a musical
But also what if like the first the musical only takes place inside his head that would be intriguing but idk if I can listen to a whole movie like that
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