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Added to Calendar: 06-04-24

Now I'm wondering if the Jedi inadvertently started the fire that killed Mae's family
Definitely leaning towards them doing something fucked up. Tomlin drank that poison willingly.

I think they could see the darkness and power in Mae and decided to get rid of her. Maybe the family was just collateral damage. Obviously they didn't finish the job and mae survived.

I think the overall theme is gonna end up showing us some jedi's have made hard decisions to get the job done and exposing not all of them are the pristine honorable beings like we've been led to believe.

But I need to see who Mae's master is and what connection they have to everything going on. That reveal is gonna be what makes or breaks the show.

Evil twin? Damn copout. Figures Disney

I like the actress so I may keep watching but story already in the negative for me

Yeah feel the same but I think if they can make it deeper than rap with whoever Mae's master is they can salvage it.

Wishful thinking tho.
Should have went with her having developed some kind of split personality due to the trauma of her sisters death. And her battling that as the story goes along. The good/bad sibling trope has been done by star wars already.