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Recent content by IP360

  1. IP360

    FEATURED Black Couples Have The Highest Divorce Rate & The Lowest Marriage Rate

    You better fulfill her role playin fantasy bruh.
  2. IP360

    FEATURED Black Couples Have The Highest Divorce Rate & The Lowest Marriage Rate

    When that nigga said while dating Lady Du once hung up on him during an argument and that nigga drove 2-3hrs just so they can finish their argument...I always knew that nigga was crazy af in it for the long haul.
  3. IP360

    FEATURED Black Couples Have The Highest Divorce Rate & The Lowest Marriage Rate

    A lot of them are in it for the process leading up to the big day. The spectacle of it. But then once that day ends and everyone goes home....reality.
  4. IP360

    FEATURED Black Couples Have The Highest Divorce Rate & The Lowest Marriage Rate

    Them vows don't mean squat in this day & age. Just words to say at a ceremony.
  5. IP360

    FEATURED Black Couples Have The Highest Divorce Rate & The Lowest Marriage Rate
